Charlotte The Robot Builder

Mick Liubinskas
Interviews with Women in STEM
3 min readDec 13, 2020

Charlotte shares what she loves about building robots.

On this website, you can hear lots of inspirational stories of real-life women in tech to complement the fictional, but also hopefully inspirational, story of the young women in She’s Building A Robot.

But there is also the wonderful combo of these where real life teenage girls are building robots. And here is the story of one of them.

Charlotte is the daughter of a friend of mine and she has wonderfully shared some photos and insights into her robot building. Amazing. Thanks Charlotte.

What do you like about building robots?

It’s fun and you get to experiment with what you can do with some of the materials.

When you try to build something and it fails you can just try again and change something

What’s the hardest thing about building robots?

The hardest thing for me is probably the wiring, because if you make a mistake in the wiring it could change the whole robot but if you don’t do the right screw it won’t change the whole robot

What did you learn by building robots?

That you can have endless possibilities and no matter what you try it always turn out to be something cool

What do you think it would be like to build robots as a career?

It would be fun but I think there would be some hard times because some people would want really difficult stuff you don’t know. But I think you just try and try again

What amazing things do you think Robots can do in the future?

Maybe like if you worked in biology and you make vaccines or are a chemist you could instead of trying and trying again you could program the robot to copy and paste the same thing over and over again but change one thing every time so it will make the vaccine different every time

How did you first get into robots?

My school was holding a code camp that you could do in the holidays and I was like oh yeah that’s good and me and my friend both joined and we used different apps and stuff and then a sort of forgot about coding and robots

Until my dad told me about them again and I did a workshop about them and then I built a robot with all the different parts. We also got a Sphero because I want to know how to code a robot. I think it’s important to know how to code as well.

Thanks Charlotte for your support of the book for girls into STEM — She’s Building A Robot

