Interview: Emma Poposka, Bron Tech

Mick Liubinskas
Interviews with Women in STEM
1 min readDec 20, 2018

This is an interview as a part of the crowdfunding campaign for the book She’s Building A Robot. The book’s aim is to encourage teenage girls to get excited about technology and we want to share as many stories about women in tech as we can.

Wonderful chat with Emma, the CEO and co-founder of Bron.Tech.

Emma Poposka and Mick Liubinskas, plus the book She’s Building A Robot

Highlights for me;

  • A math school teacher used coding in class for her first introduction
  • She was the only woman in her first two software teams and the men would play football (soccer) after work. She took up ping pong and is (apparently) kick arse. #challengeaccepted
  • Her mother was the first woman in the Macedonian Army.

Here is the interview:

If you have a story to share, please reach out to me, Mick Liubinskas.

If you’d like to support the book, please sign up for updates here;

