Don’t Move Abroad Before You Answer These Questions

You’ll want to get this right the first time.


So, you want to be an expat, but is the country you want to live in right for you? Use this move-abroad guide to find out!

“A great way to learn about your country is to leave it.” — Henry Rollins

An expat journey can be both exhilarating and challenging. But choosing the correct country before you take that leap is paramount. So, whether for a lifestyle change or an adventure, here are considerations to help prospective expats like you determine whether a specific country aligns with your dreams of moving abroad.

1. Your Priorities

Before choosing the correct country, clearly define what you want from your expat experience. Are you moving to find better living conditions or looking for an adventure?

List your top priorities: climate, language, cultural offerings, healthcare quality, and political stability (to name a few.) Your list will guide you in evaluating each country and help you better determine whether it meets your needs.

Ask Yourself

  • What are my main reasons for moving abroad?
  • What are my non-negotiables in a new country?
  • Which aspects of my lifestyle am I willing to change?



Marcia Hylton | Travel Writer & Move-Abroad Coach
She’s Unbound

A Caribbean-born American expat based in Mexico City. I'm a travel writer, a move-abroad coach, and an ICF-trained life coach.