Meet Amy Aw!

Vice President of Investments and Business Intelligence at Be Lazee.

Mabel Tan
SheSays KL
3 min readAug 11, 2015


Amy Aw

This is Amy Aw! She works at Be Lazee where she has recently joined their team as the Vice President of Investments and Business Intelligence.

She will be speaking at the next meet-up — SheSays KL: Women in Tech — where we will be discussing what it takes to build a meaningful product and what it means to be sustainable and how to scale. Be Lazee is one of many new on-demand concierge service startups in Kuala Lumpur that have been making headlines across the internet.

Here she shares some of her biggest learnings and burning questions. Read on to see what she has to say…

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt over the last year?

To always keep moving forward.

It’s important to know where you stand relative to your own goals and to keep moving forward. Three months ago, I was still living in NYC and working on Wall St. I had that epiphany-like feeling of “If not now — when? If not you — who?”. Follow your dreams and you’ll never know where you land. Three months after I made the decision to move to Asia, I’m now sitting in a room with some of the most intelligent and funny people who are taking on the challenge of scaling Be Lazee in APAC to change the way we view service and e-commerce. I’m learning and growing at the speed of light now. Plus, I’m having tons of fun doing it.

What’s your burning question of the moment?

How do we continue growing and delivering top quality?

It’s always a tug and pull with start-ups that are doing extremely well to grow. For us at Be Lazee, we’re working on maintaining our balance with growth in new markets and also high-caliber service we’re providing our customers. The ability to do both is difficult but we’re doing great so far. My job is to ensure that the information and resources we have is being used to optimise how we serve our community. Also, as always, I’m up for suggestions from fellow entrepreneurs and customers so definitely feel free to drop me a line at (Learning is key!)

What’s the most inspiring thing you’ve seen/heard/read in the last year?

“If you are the smartest person in the room, get out.” It is incredibly easy for people to get stuck in their comfort zones. But similar to the biggest lesson I learned about always moving forward, I also believe you are the sum of the people closest to you. Surround yourself with the most intelligent and humble human beings and you’ll find yourself gravitating towards individuals who make you better.

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Mabel Tan
SheSays KL

Co-Founder @sequencework. Alumni @hyperisland. Dim Sum enthusiast.