Meet Serene Gan!

Co-Founder of
and Product Manager at VLT Labs

Mabel Tan
SheSays KL
2 min readAug 6, 2015


Serene Gan

This is the lovely Serene Gan! Serene is a co-founder at and leads Product and Growth at VLT Labs.

She’ll be speaking at the next meet-up — SheSays KL: Women in Tech — where she will be sharing her insight on what it takes to build a product and drive sustainability not just in terms of goals, but also how to get your startup off the ground, building a cross-functional team and how to play the long game in the world of tech.

We’re experimenting with profiling our speakers and we’re super honoured to have her as the first one! Here’s what she has to say…

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt over the last year?

Not to let disappointments in life stop me from dreaming again.

When I lost some of the most cherished things and people over the year, I learnt that things don’t always go as planned, and unprecedented things can happen very suddenly. At the point when shit hits the fan, it is how you respond to the situation that matters the most, not why it happened.

What’s your burning question of the moment?

It must be… If getting from A to B takes awhile, how should I answer questions that investors have about Z? And why aren’t there enough people in this part of the world who would be willing to discover, mentor and fund hungry young talent? If there are, where are they found?!

What’s the most inspiring thing you’ve seen/heard/read in the last year?

During my solo trip to rural Cambodia, I had a conversation over breakfast with a friend who asked me a question that challenged and inspired my perspective of life — “What do you live for?” It really resonated with me and I think it’s a really great question we should all continually ask ourselves. I believe that people with purpose move mountains.

SheSays KL profiles are inspired by the incredible industry profiles curated by Lauren Currie at

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Mabel Tan
SheSays KL

Co-Founder @sequencework. Alumni @hyperisland. Dim Sum enthusiast.