Tongwei Wang
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2017


[learning diary]

Coursera — A life of fulfilling and happiness

I like taking this course, because even though I can’t say I’m happier now when I’m taking it, but I can truely relate to the materials. It helps me solve some puzzles. To be aware of something I won’t have the chance to be aware of in my daily life, but also to reconsider something I think I know already but haven’t thought it through.

I previously know that I need to appreciate others' good sides and encourage them on daily basis. I also know I should focus on improving my own skills and develope my ability to fulfill my goals and be happy.

I did not realize chasing superiority is somehow good when it comes to non-intellectual tasks, like hitting the gym. It helps you get the work done! For intellectual tasks which involve a lot of creative decision making, this is not the case.

Chasing superiority surely motivates us to get things done, but not necessarily helps us to perform better and be more successful. The book man search for meaning is recommended for the second time in my life and I really want to read it.(hopefully after finishing my booklist) I also want to find my meanings in life to be happy.


