6 Methods to Consider When Choosing an ESG Investing Strategy

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A growing number of investors are interested in Environmental, Social and Governance investing, known as ESG. That term is becoming more common, but ESG still means different things to different people.

While some investors are drawn to the socially responsible side of ESG investing — a more emotionally- driven, morals-based approach that aims to create a portfolio that aligns with the investor’s values — others approach ESG factors as a way to evaluate risks and opportunities and create more sustainable portfolios. Click here to get an understanding your motivations for ESG investing This is a good place to get started if you’re unsure about your own. Once you’ve figured out why you’re drawn to ESG and what you hope to get from it, you can more easily evaluate the methods for adopting an ESG investing strategy that best fits your goals.

Because there are a lot of approaches that you can choose from, each with very different objectives. Understanding different ESG implementation methods is the next critical step in determining the best fit for your portfolio.

Here’s a closer look at six different methods for incorporating ESG criteria into your investment strategy — along with their respective advantages and potential downsides — to help you decide what’s right for you:

1. Exclusionary Screening

This is the oldest method and often the first approach that people think of when they hear “ESG,” “sustainable,” or “socially responsible” investing.

Exclusionary screening involves removing companies from your portfolio based on products or business activities that conflict with your values. That might include businesses associated with alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or weapons manufacturing, just to name a few examples.

Pros: Negative screening lets you align your investments with your beliefs and values. This approach allows you to participate in the all markets on your own terms, and that’s better than keeping 100% of your money in cash.

SheTransacts is ideal if you are looking to invest in Gender Equality.

Sustainable Development Goal 5: concerns gender equality and is fifth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording of SDG 5 is “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”

Exclusionary screening can help you balance % of female founded businesses in your portfolio while increase your ROI. SheTransacts circles helps each company to also have a variety of UN sustainability goals and industries working together to foster greater innovations and accountability for your investments and maximize impact. There are 17 SDG sustainability goals set out globally to accomplish by 2030.

Cons: Research suggests that this approach is harmful to your overall returns. It also may leave you less diversified than you otherwise could be by using a different investment strategy. Worst of all, negative screening can exclude companies you actually like overall — perhaps requiring you to reject a company like Amazon because it sells alcohol through its grocery store chain, Whole Foods. Don’t worry tho in terms of SDG goals the returns have shown over the last decade to be increasing and for female founders 35% higher ROI for investors.

2. Best-in-Class Selection

This approach is an evolution from the original exclusionary model. Rather than excluding companies for their products and activities, funds that use a best-in-class selection method will score all the companies in a representative index on a host of ESG factors. Then, it rewards the leaders on ESG metrics by overweighting those stocks within the index.

Pros: Positive screening lets you align your investments with either your values or sustainability goals by underweighting or avoiding the companies that don’t excel at ESG. Equally important, research shows that positive screening doesn’t necessarily hurt performance or harm diversification.

SheTransacts is raising the bar for early stage founders to grow into the Best in Class. ESG is in the DnA of all SheTransacts companies you invest in from day one and then continuously developing best practices to be the ESG innovators and leaders for generations to come.

Cons: The primary drawback to positive screening is limited information. ESG data isn’t standardized and relies on companies to self-report, so ESG data sets used for the security selection process aren’t perfect.

3. ESG Integration

The ESG integration approach examines ESG criteria alongside traditional financial analysis. This method recognizes that issues like climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance can affect a company’s long-term performance — but it doesn’t emphasize specific ESG-related goals. The point of the integration is to use ESG factors to pursue better risk-adjusted returns.

Pros: Examining ESG factors gives investors more information to help assess a company’s risk profile and return potential. Research suggests this may improve risk-adjusted performance over long periods.

+SheTransacts circles align ESG, KPIs and OKRs at every stage of their growth planning and ongoing due diligence: measuring, reporting and advising with global experts in each area. WeTransacts is our proprietary infrastructure all SheTransacts circles track, monitor and report their growth as well. Our platform/app is solving the many inefficient investing processes globally between founders and investors.

SDG Goal 8: To promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”

We do this by making the deployment of capital more efficient and increasing global access to available resources for startups globally.

Cons: The data used to analyze stocks is limited and non-standardized. Plus, true integration approaches are usually available only in active portfolios, which unfortunately tend to underperform simple indexes in aggregate. This leaves out early and pre-IPO stage companies who have not yet reported publicly but that are implementing this approach successfully.

4. Active Ownership or Corporate Engagement

Active owners use ownership rights to directly engage with companies on ESG issues, such as using proxy votes to try to change the behavior or practices of the company. Owning even a single share of a company entitles you to show up at shareholder meetings and raise hell, file complaints with regulatory authorities, and send letters airing your demands.

Pros: When you take an active role, you can make your voice heard. This corporate engagement gives you a chance for a more hands-on role in pushing for change. At SheTransacts we enable a safe communication zone between investors, advisors, and founders fostering a more diverse and prosperous ecosystem for all with real time data driven inputs.

SheTransacts platform enables a more friction-less and confrontational approach by aligning the needs and wants of ESG principled investors with embodied founders actively implementing.

Cons: Having true influence through active ownership requires you to own a major stake, which is why some investors pool their resources and do this as a group. Most individuals simply don’t have the time and bandwidth to be active to the degree required to influence significant change within the corporation’s structure or means of doing business. And, even if you do show up to meetings, there’s no guarantee you’ll see results.

5. Thematic Investing

Thematic funds focus on a single ESG-related area, such as clean energy, sustainable forestry, female leadership, or good board governance. These funds then seek to invest in companies that are most actively working to address the chosen issue while avoiding those that are not.

Pros: If you’re passionate about one particular issue, this method allows you to allocate your dollars to companies or projects that are directly related to what you care about most.

SheTransacts enables a more sustainable infrastructure to invest in short term needs to expedite growth for an over performing asset class; and creating long term change by re-inventing a better systematic approach fostering a more diverse and prosperous startup ecosystem for ALL.

Cons: Because these funds are built around a narrowly defined theme, they can lack diversification. They also put non-financial objectives over financial ones, which sometimes result in higher costs and may hurt long-term performance.

6. Impact Investing

This highly targeted approach invests in particular projects designed to achieve specific measurable goals, such as building affordable housing. The focus here is less on generating a financial return and more on using capital to create positive change in the world.

Pros: Because impact investing has clearly defined goals, you can put your money to work directly toward solutions for issues or problems that you feel are most important for the greater good. The financial return potential is a clear step above charitable giving, because you expect to generate some type of return on your investment.

SheTransacts is a great way to invest in more female and non-binary minority founders now and cultivate a new startup ecosystem for more to succeed collectively together after your investment and paying it forward for generations to come.

Cons: This method tends to produce below-market rate returns (except in female and non binary minority founders… ;-). There’s often a lot of risk involved, too, because you’re dealing with highly concentrated projects or potentially more long term results.

ESG investing has expanded in recent years to cover different styles that meet a variety of objectives. That’s great news for the range of investors who are interested in ESG, but who may each have many different goals in mind.

Take some time to understand both your motivation for pursuing ESG investing and what you want to achieve by getting involved with these approaches. Then, take a careful look at the different methods for bringing ESG investments into your portfolio.

By understanding your options, you’ll be better positioned to choose the method (or methods) that make the most sense for your overall plan.

Learn more about how you can join an angel investor circle at SheTransacts to tract, monitor, and assess your impact + ROI on our app.

If you are an angel group or fund focused on investing in female, diversity and/or minority founders reach out to us to improve your tracking, monitoring and reporting of your portfolio and applicants. Our http://WeTransact.live platform/app is available as a white label SaaS.

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Are you an active fundraising female and non-binary founder? Are you wanting to pay it forward with your #RealRaise? Seeking a better way to get investment/access to capital?

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SheTransacts ESG process is embedded into all investments.

Original Article Reposted from: https://peterlazaroff.com/



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