Founder Isolation is REAL and SheTransacts is Addressing It

Tony Hsieh Was a Widely Admired, Wildly Successful Entrepreneur. But He Struggled to Find Real Happiness

The final year of life for the co-founder of Zappos was, unfortunately, a familiar story of entrepreneur isolation.

Our Founder First Approach

SheTransacts takes a wholistic founder first approach with ongoing support and peer to peer reviews and scheduled engagements combine with our zen AI productivity app. Not only increasing productivity and execution of short term goals by 90% but keeping founders more connected and positive psychologically. SheTransacts is the CALM app for founders. Currently in private beta to begin being used by Cohort 1 of SheTransacts this week!

The current startup ecosystem teaches founders, investors and experts that they need to compete against each other to win. This winner takes all approach is not sustainable. We’re fostering a new startup ecosystem approach of collaboration with H.E.R. principles: humanity, empathy, and responsibility. Now founders are coming together to innovate, share, learn, and grow together thru every stage of their companies from bootstrap, pre-seed, seed, series A and beyond.

Correlation between a Positive Mindset + Success

Problem solving skills are fundamental to being a successful. It might not be intuitive to think that a positive mindset is associated with being a better problem solver — but that is the truth.

There is a growing body of research to suggest that happiness at work and maintaining a positive outlook, are more important for your career (as well as your general well-being) than you might have imagined.

Clinical psychologists there have discovered that positivity opens the brain up so that you see more possibilities than when you feel negative. When you experience happiness or joy, your brain is receptive to a broader range of options.

Great, but what does that have to do with your investments? Well think about it for a minute.

Positive Thinking Builds Skills

The happier you feel, the more inclined you are to open yourself up to new options, opportunities, and experiences. Therefore the more likely you are to learn and acquire new skills as well as competencies.

Think of the happy kid in the school patio — the one who plays, interacts, runs around with a ball. That kid is building physical resistance, sports aptitudes, and social capabilities. And the same can be applied to you in your workplace.

Putting it simply, when you are happy you are receptive to learning. Now think about how that might play out in a work situation or in terms of your professional development.

Tying Positivity to Being a Successful Techie

What are the likely dividends when it comes to exploring and learning — not to mention, seeing greater possibilities, and solutions to problems.

Does that sound familiar? It should.

Enhanced problem-solving capabilities and taking an innovative approach to finding solutions are key skills in any field that leverages technology, whatever your role, whatever your organization.

In the digitization age, techies will be called upon to deliver solutions to problems that do not even exist yet in our imaginations. Put yourself ahead of the competition by being the best problem solver you possibly can by approaching problems with a positive mindset.

Innovative problem-solving and out-of-the-box thinking are the highly-prized attributes that drive careers and businesses across the sector.

Sounds good, right? Well, the benefits of thinking positively do not stop there.

Positive Mindset has Health Benefits

It is well documented that positive thinking is a major stress buster too.

Research universally indicates that people with a positive outlook are less likely to suffer depression, anxiety, and even certain illnesses — cardio-vascular illness being high on the list. Not only that, the glass-half-full brigade also have greater coping capacities and mechanisms for dealing with stress. And that is an enormous benefit right there.

Reducing stress empowers you to be much more functional at work. It means that you are better equipped to handle the kinds of high-pressure responsibilities that often come with climbing the ladder in your career. Knowing how to reduce stress helps you to clear your mind, see the possibilities, and — you got it — solve problems.

Positive Loop of Positive Thinking

The positive loop of positive thinking is referred to as the broaden and build theory, because positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities and open your mind, which in turn allows you to build new skills and resources that can provide value in other areas of your life.

So the next question, how do you invest in your founders thinking positively?

Tips provide by:

Invest in SheTransacts’ Cohorts

Want to invest in your founders positivity and resiliency with us at SheTransacts?

Have a warm intro? Believe in our solution? Understand the problem? Want to increase efficient deployment capital to maximize impact?

Learn more about our white label innovation platform:

Share this with your existing portfolio founders to apply to get the ongoing support they need to succeed together in a healthy and more productive way.

Are you an active fundraising female and non-binary founder? Are you wanting to pay it forward with your #RealRaise? Seeking a better way to get investment/access to capital?

Register as a Founder with us at SheTransacts.



WeTransact.Live Ecosystem
Sustainable Investing @SheTransacts

Globally maximizing the allocation of resources to foster a more diverse + prosperous ecosystems for ALL.