#HERchanger Founder Feature: Anne Cheng

#HERchanger is someone who is fostering a more human, empathetic, and responsible startup ecosystem for ALL. SheTransacts (em)powers female founders to unlock the most aligned global resources as they fundraise and grow their companies together. We’re replacing the winner takes all startup world with a cooperative and more sustainable way to succeed together. Real founders in real time really changing the world together. We’re .Live sharing #HERchanger stories to amplify their trajectory of success. Join us in helping these world changing ideas get featured, funded and implemented.

We’re so honored to be introducing today’s featured SheTransacts community member and female founder, Anne Cheng. She launching this month her crowdfunding campaign on Republic. She resides between Singapore and California with her puppy and she shares with us her world changing company.

What world changing problems are you solving?

SDG #5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

As a minority female founder who identifies as LGBTQ Anne Cheng is part of the SheTransacts ecosystem providing a more collaborative way for founders to raise and grow their world changing ideas together by connecting them globally with their most aligned allies and investors. Currently less than 2% of VC dollars get funded . Let’s change this by accelerating Anne’s current fundraise and her June crowdfunding campaign Republic .

In addition to being a female minority founder, she is also solving the problems around client acquisition and marketing strategies which require a steep learning curve and trial and error, before getting optimized. This is largely a human process, and this creates a huge backlog and inefficient work processes within the industry. Marketing strategies and client acquisition requires deep research to understand the target audience, and current marketing and sales software solutions don’t replicate the human strategy that’s required. Supercharge Lab will have a positive impact for many world changing products and services to be seen and sold. Such an important solution for the start up ecosystem and scaling larger businesses.

Startups are important in creating social change — in fact, they have a greater opportunity to lead the charge towards change that we can believe in. From building ethical technologies to ensuring conscious business models, we must realize that startups are in fact, tomorrow’s corporations and enterprises.

I’ve written in a previous article that if we want to create a non-dystopian future, startups must begin with a strong ethical compass, and continually audit its purpose of existence. Starting with a strong sense of why can get you much further than you think. It is equally important to continue asking “why” as you scale, pivot, and succeed.

Why is this important to you as the founder?

“Cognitive computing is in its infancy, and if we start to understand motivations and thoughts better, we can all perform better, and create a better world for future generations.”

SheTransacts’ Member Ann Cheng CEO of Supercharge-lab

If you would like to invest in our #HERchangers you can request more information via our .Live Stacks here.

Join the #RealRaise Circle for founders actively fundraising here.

At SheTransacts, we’re manufacturing serendipity to attract better alignments between founders and investors across the startup ecosystem.

Our REAL TIME continuous due diligence, recommendations and collaboration tool is available whenever you may need or want to implement and scale your world changing company.



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