#HERchanger Founder Feature: Chrystal Gilkes

Chrystal Gilkes Co-Founder swrm #HERchanger Interview Feature

#HERchanger is someone who is fostering a more human, empathetic, and responsible startup ecosystem for ALL. WeTransact (em)powers impact founders to unlock the most aligned global resources as they fundraise and grow their companies together. We’re replacing the winner takes all startup world with a cooperative and more sustainable way to succeed together. Real founders in real time really changing the world together. We’re .Live sharing #HERchanger stories to amplify their trajectory of success. Join us in helping these world-changing ideas get featured, funded and implemented.

The very first time I came across swrm I knew right away this was 100% a great #HERchanger company to feature. Swrm is providing a platform to live a sustainable lifestyle & interact with the sustainable community. Everything we do has an impact on this fragile planet. It’s their mission to motivate a swrm of people who are driven to make sure that impact isn’t negative! And you can make a difference just by using our App and shopping smarter!

I’m so excited to be introducing Chrystal Gilkes and Benjamin Gilke co-founders of swrm to the HER ecosystem. They co-founded swrm in March 2019, and are dedicated to enabling human sustainability for the future of this planet. It is only with more transparency and accurate data that consumers can make choices to reduce their carbon footprint. swrm is determined that our App will help individuals become more sustainable. And with that manufacturing companies will be motivated to move towards renewable energy sources and operate their business in a more sustainable fashion.

They’re here to help the transition into a less wasteful and more efficient community.

Chrystal shares with us some of the incredible things that make them a #HERchanger leading with humanity, empathy and responsibility.

Share with us the world changing problem being solved- please share which SDG goal(s) being addressed

“We’re helping solve the climate crisis! Specifically, this is by enabling *everyone* to reduce carbon emissions. There’s an ongoing battle over who’s responsibility it is to act on reducing emissions: is it the consumer, manufacturer or retailer? While this debate rages on, the damaging greenhouse gases in our atmosphere continue to rise.

Once someone decides they want to do something to help fix the climate crisis, a bit of research soon has them feeling overwhelmed and confused — making it more difficult to take action. This is as big a problem as the gases themselves.

We are addressing SDG 12 and SDG 13.”

What is so unique about this solution?

“We’re approaching the problem from the bottom up and top down simultaneously. We’ve built a B2C App which gives the average Joe a way to measure and reduce the carbon footprint from their household energy use, transportation choices and — in a world first — from the consumer goods they buy! We need to put our use of carbon on a diet, so we’ve built a calorie counter — for the planet! The App provides complex data in a user friendly way. We’ve gone further and deeper than any other carbon footprint calculators available, to provide real accuracy. We’ve included an educational platform with video and written pieces to help frame the reason we need to act on climate as well as actionable advice for people to implement right away.

We also work with businesses — this carbon emissions diet can’t be the responsibility of consumers alone! So we provide Life Cycle Assessments for manufacturers and retailers, identifying areas of their supply chain where optimization and emissions reductions are possible. And we’re building an API — which will allow online retailers to provide real time carbon emissions data to the consumers purchasing n their site. This will be a game changer — so consumers can access important decision making data easily and retailers can back up their claims of moving the needle of sustainable business practices.”

Why is this important to you?

“I’m the mum to 2 little girls, who are 6 and 3. If we don’t reduce our carbon emissions we’re sentencing my children and grandchildren (and everyone else’s!) to years of extreme heat waves, dire food insecurity which will likely lead to warfare, and ferocious storms…not to mention brand new pandemics from large scale climate catastrophe relocation. Simply put, they deserve better! This beautiful planet has so much to offer, and I want my daughters to be able to experience that wonder and beauty.”

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Alexis Snelling
#RealRaise Circle for Founders on SkillVill

Human 1st, Creator, CEO, 3rd Generation Female Founder, and former International Ice Dancer. Life is art.