#HERchanger Founder Feature: Lydia Ofori

#HERchanger is someone who is fostering a more human, empathetic, and responsible startup ecosystem for ALL. WeTransact (em)powers impact founders to unlock the most aligned global resources as they fundraise and grow their companies together. We’re replacing the winner takes all startup world with a cooperative and more sustainable way to succeed together. Real founders in real time really changing the world together. We’re .Live sharing #HERchanger stories to amplify their trajectory of success. Join us in helping these world-changing ideas get featured, funded and implemented.

The very first time I met Lydia Ofori was the Fund the Future Summit back in July 2021, I knew right away this was 100% a great #HERchanger founder and company to feature. Lydia was Investment Week Women in Investment — Investment Woman of the Year (Small to Medium Firms) Finalist 2019 and she shares with what Hunter Labs Tech is doing to democratize access globally for both innovators and investors.

Share with us the world changing problem being solved- please share which SDG goal(s) being addressed

We want everyone to be able to participate in capital markets and real economy opportunities from a knowledgeable place. At Hunter Labs Tech, we are making investing easy and accessible by helping self directed investors invest like the professionals

What is so unique about this solution?

We are taking seemingly complicated processes and making it accessible. We use AI technologies to easily explain how professional investors are allocating resources as the basis of idea generation for the masses. We aggregate thousands of news, reports and financial data without loosing the sentiments presented in the articles. This means self directed investors save time and resources scanning through numerous reports themselves or searching for ideas from various resources or just being stuck to ideas that they are most familiar with. Through our platform we provide a much more innovative way for self directed traders to find ideas.

Why is this important to you?

We believe democratizing idea generation and access to high quality investment opportunities extends capital formation and wealth creation and accretion to a wider set of the population.

If you would like to invest in our #HERchangers you can request more information via our .Live Stacks here.

Join the #RealRaise Circle for founders actively fundraising here.

At SheTransacts, we’re manufacturing serendipity to attract better alignments between founders and investors across the startup ecosystem.

Our REAL TIME continuous due diligence, recommendations and collaboration tool is available whenever you may need or want to implement and scale your world changing company.



Alexis Snelling
#RealRaise Circle for Founders on SkillVill

Human 1st, Creator, CEO, 3rd Generation Female Founder, and former International Ice Dancer. Life is art.