#HERchanger Founder Feature: Oh Tepmongkol-Wheaton

Vogue Startup Spotlight, CEO of OHZONE, Oh Tepmongkol-Wheaton

#HERchanger is someone who is fostering a more human, empathetic, and responsible startup ecosystem for ALL. SheTransacts (now WeTransact)(em)powers female founders to unlock the most aligned global resources as they fundraise and grow their companies together. We’re replacing the winner takes all startup world with a cooperative and more sustainable way to succeed together. Real founders in real time really changing the world together. We’re .Live sharing #HERchanger stories to amplify their trajectory of success. Join us in helping these world changing ideas get featured, funded and implemented.

Oh Tepmongkol-Wheaton is the CEO/Co-founder of the OHZONE, Inc., a fashion tech startup based in the SF Bay Area. They offer a turnkey 3D digitization solution that creates high-fidelity, exquisitely detailed 3D garments from real garments in zoomable, rotatable images in a genuinely interactive self-contained virtual environment.

What world changing problems are you solving at Ohzone?

SDG #5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

SDG #6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

SDG #8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

SDG #12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns girls

What is so unique about this solution?

At the Ohzone (www.theohzoneinc.com), we aim to democratize 3D virtual fashion by addressing the needs of small-to-medium sized fashion brands who urgently need a faster and less expensive way to turn their designs into a touchable, interactive engaging online experience in the post COVID-19 era. Our turn key 3D photorealistic ( 3DREALTM ) digitization solution creates high-fidelity, exquisitely-detailed 3D garments from real garments which increase sales, lower returns, and be sustainable with virtual samples. We’re at the confluence of technology and fashion bridging the gap between virtual fashion and real fashion for e-commerce, AR/VR, and gaming.

The frontier is the co-existence of digital fashion and its physical version and Ohzone is poised to exploit this emerging market.

Ohzone has been awarded two patents and also launched our 3D digitization service for apparel. We presented the world’s first interactive fashion show — not a mere video — with SFCW.org in September 2020

“3D Fashion Saves The Planet” at Nvidia GTC 2020 and 2021.

Awarded Top Fashion Tech 2021 by Retail Tech Insights

Featured Vogue Startup Spotlight : 3D assets BY MAGHAN MCDOWELL, APRIL 20, 2021

Top 200 for Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Frontier Sustainability Challenge 2021.

Why is this important to you as the founder?

Ohzone was initially born from my desire to stay connected with my daughter, who went to college on the opposite coast in 2014. We were having difficulty shopping online for clothing together. The clothing we looked at together online lacked the detail and subtlety she desired in 2D imagery. With 30+ years of experience as a principal engineer and architect, I decided to apply my skills in 3D algorithms and video graphics to create a better shopping experience. Beyond that, I wanted to virtually re-create the fun and closeness of the physical shopping excursions where people from all over the world can shop online together as if in person. My co-founders and I, came together at Stanford and Nvidia, built our first prototype and showed it to my GenZ daughter. She and her friends played with it for 2 hours during a Thanksgiving dinner. So I knew we had something magical.

Fashion is a unique industry that largely affects three groups of women; the consumers, the garment workers and small and medium sized brands which are mostly women’s owned, and mother earth. Due to the pandemic, the fashion industry is going through a disruptive phase that has been a long time coming. The changing consumer behavior is forcing businesses to adapt to the digital transformations that are reshaping the industry standards. Sustainability, targeted marketing results and efficient turn-key 3D digital solutions are the key to give all three parties involved a fighting chance to survive the future changes. The Ohzone Inc, provides exactly that and is what we stand for.

Brands and investors are taking notice as well of virtual fashion “After a virtual Gucci bag sold for over $4,000, more than a real one, VC Alexis Ohanian predicts virtual fashion will be huge. Gucci and Atari agree.” reports Insider Magazine in the May issue 2021.

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