
This is why we created a founder first innovation platform that trains the entrepreneur muscles instead and critical thinking needed to succeed as an innovator at any level. Even this article has great info and honest feedback, there is no 1 size fits all and the old investing process of network, pitch, 3-6 months getting to know an investor/fund, investor updates all while continuing to grow and scale your micro-traction, only to find in the end you may or may not even pass due diligence is no longer working and able to scale with the largest increase in startups and due diligence ever before. The problem lays in lack of transparency of the old investing process, lack of safe zones to tinker and learn faster for innovators to grow together vs. competing against one another for table scraps ( I mean pitch competition prize money ) and having data driven insights to alignment and timing required to successfully fundraise. Ai is the perfect tool in combination with an innovators first approach to systematically improve this outcome for both entrepreneurs and investors. Let's get to the root of the problem, and stop telling each other what they ought to be doing, and just starting doing it smarter together.



Alexis Snelling
#RealRaise Circle for Founders on SkillVill

Human 1st, Creator, CEO, 3rd Generation Female Founder, and former International Ice Dancer. Life is art.