Conspiracy fiction with metaphysical implications

Dark Windows Open One Way — Part 6

An answer always leads to more questions

Austin Wilson



Chunks of our splintered locks tinked against each other as Meter pulled our safehouse door shut.

“They can go anywhere. Through anything,” Meter said.

“It was just standing there?!”

“Listening. What for, I don’t know. They also watch.”

Now we needed to be something other than survivors. It was time to be journalists again. We started uncapping pens, opening notebooks, and at least briefly contemplating our expensive locks that were now garbage.

Our questions didn’t make it down past our eyes. An entity shot into the room, through the wall and our couch, into our coffee table. Our mugs of coffee stayed still, didn’t show a single ripple as its fist lasted out toward Meter.

Meter ducked, responded with a fist of their own straight into the entity’s chest.

A new angle is everything. A new source. Another way to verify what you’re seeing or being told. There isn’t a single better angle than right on top of something.

Or it’s right on top of you. In your face. The closer you are in the moment, the easier the memory is to hang onto. Even then, our brains love letting things slip away.

The entity’s shape collapsed. All those lines lost something, went slack. Things started to make a little more sense.

The human shape was an act. Meter’s body pulled the entity apart, its lines writhed and lashed out as it fought.

As the lines snaked into Meter, we could see the edges of their body, we could start to see some of their features as the entity’s moved across the inside of them.

A face began to form. Pulsing and wavering bolts, like slow-motion electricity, gave definition to a person inside the blackness of Meter.

Light began to fill them up. A Shimmer tugged at the entity’s fading lines.

>>>> Read the next DARK WINDOWS OPEN ONE WAY soon!



Austin Wilson

Writer with stories in Ahoy Comics, Black Hare Press, Magnetic Press, and Defenstration. Sci-fi, horror, and comedy. Hosts Ledger: A Writing Podcast.