Shield Staking Vault — Pilot Version is LIVE on Ethereum Mainnet

Shield Official
Shield Vault
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2023

We’re excited to announce that the pilot version of Shield Staking Vault is finally live on the Ethereum Mainnet.

The month-long closed beta for Staking Vault on the Goerli testnet was a great success. Shield received an overwhelming response from the community, which was eager to participate in the testing phase.

We received invaluable feedback from the community and decided to cater to the urgent needs of Ethereum staking users by providing a more precise product positioning, starting from this mainnet launch. We are proud to present Aggregate Staking and Option-Boost Staking as our flagship staking products.

Staking Vault — Aggregate Staking

The Aggregate Staking Vault aims to provide users with a one-stop solution to access the best staking yields in the space. With the upcoming Shanghai Upgrade around the corner, Ethereum stakers will face a series of dilemmas when it comes to LSD protocols.

  1. Choosing a staking protocol with the best routing and optimal LSD token rewards
  2. Keeping track of different DeFi routings and constantly adjusting position holdings
  3. Lacking funds of a certain scale to cover fractional costs from position adjustment
  4. Being unable to respond in a timely manner to black swan events, resulting in major losses

Aggregate Staking Vault is the solution to all these problems.

  1. It helps users select the optimal route with the best yields.
  2. It enables them to adjust position holdings in a timely manner.
  3. It aggregates funds to economize operational costs.
  4. It provides real-time risk monitoring to avoid black swan risks.

The current pilot version of Staking Vault will fully integrate Lido. More upcoming LSD protocols will be integrated after the Shanghai upgrade.

Staking Vault — Option-Boost Staking

In addition to safe and stable staking yields, we also offer more advanced products, similar to fixed income plus products in traditional finance.

Based on the current situation in the crypto market, buying ETH options to profit from market volatility is one of the most feasible plans. After heated discussions with option professionals and crypto OGs, Shield is proud to present Option-Boost Staking, which is a product that boosts staking yields through the purchase of wedding cake strategies.

The wedding cake strategy is an option-based approach that provides a predetermined payout depending on the movement of the underlying reference rate within set boundaries. This strategy has been selected because it generates optimal returns while keeping risks at a manageable level, boosting yields while safeguarding the principal.

Staking Vault is the ultimate solution for ETH stakers who are looking to maximise their yields and minimize risks and efforts. Shield Staking Vault aims to be the gateway for Ethereum Staking after the Shanghai Upgrade.



Shield Official
Shield Vault

Unleash the potential of your ETH staking with Staking Vault - the ultimate platform for effortless staking and optimal returns.