How to buy SCASH tokens?
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

1. Go to the official website. Attention! Before proceeding to further actions, be sure to check the address of the site, so as not to get in the hands of scammers. The official and only website —

2. Register your personal account. To do this, click on the button “Sign up” or “ Buy tokens”

2.1. In the box that appears enter your email address and click “Sign up”

2.2. A letter with login and password will be sent to the specified e-mail. There you will also see a link to log in to your personal account. Click on it (if the email does not appear in your Inbox, check the Spam folder»)

2.3. Log in to your personal account by using the received login and password. In the personal account in the “Profile” section, if you wish, you can change your password.

3. Go to the “buying tokens” section. Here you will see a brief instruction and a calculator that will help you calculate the number of tokens for a specific amount, taking into account the current bonuses. To do this, select the desired cryptocurrency (ETH, BTC or LTC) and specify the amount you want to invest. Or calculate how much you need to Deposit to buy a certain amount of SCASH tokens.

4. To go straight to purchasing, select the payment method in the lower field Of the section “buying tokens” (ETH, BTC, LTC) and click “Get address for payment»

5. A unique wallet address will be generated for you. Copy it.

6. To purchase tokens, you need to Deposit funds to the received address.

7. To Deposit funds to the received address, go to the website of your wallet (MyEherWallet, etc.) and transfer the desired amount.

7.1 Detailed instructions for the purchase of tokens through MyEtherWallet for ETH here.

8. After the transaction is successful, return to your personal account and click “ Confirm payment»

9. If you purchased the tokens for ETH, SCASH will immediately be automatically credited to your wallet. To check the balance, go to the “Profile” and in the appropriate field, specify your ETH-wallet from which the payment of tokens was made. Then click the BALANCE button.

10. If you purchased the tokens for BTC or LTC, then SCASH will be listed on your ETH wallet, as specified in the profile after ICO. You can view the transaction history in the “transaction History” section.

11. In addition, if you share your referral link, you will receive 15% of the number of SCASH tokens that will be purchased by the person who followed your link. You can find your link in the “Profile” section. The number of referrals and the number of tokens received under the referral program are shown in the “History” section.

