10 things about Shift

Fran McEwen
Shift Life
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2016
Shift: Shift your body, Shift your mind

An introduction of sorts.

1.Shift: Shift your body, Shift your mind is an initiative that aims to improve the wellbeing of young Wellington women aged 12–20.

2.The Shift teamies (that’s us below) will celebrate Shift’s 1st birthday on the 4th November 2016. We all come from differing backgrounds including youth work, community development, design and sport & recreation.

From left: Chloe, Rachel, Fran & Katie

3. Shift was created due to international and national evidence and research indicating that a huge number of young women are dropping out of sport and physical activity and not prioritising and understanding their wellbeing i.e. how to be happy and healthy.

4. Shift’s vision is to Increase awareness of wellbeing through education & role modelling; Reduce barriers to participation by proving fun, social, low cost opportunities & administering financial support; Empower young women to create change by growing leaders, providing inspiration and mentoring.

5. Shift works in the worlds of wellbeing science, physical activity, social entrepreneurship and design. We use these worlds to deliver Shift Jams, Just Shift it, Shift Leaders, the Give back, Shift forward fund and Shift Speaker Series.

6.The outcomes Shift creates for young women and Shift supporters are: social connectedness, good nutrition, body confidence, connecting with nature, leadership, creativity, stress relief, movement & confidence.

7.Shift’s approach to creating impact includes co-designing, seeking and hearing feedback, constant iteration, meaningful engagement, being accessible, agile, building whanaungatanga, experimenting, collaborating and most importantly having FUN!

8. Shift has two ‘audiences’- young women aged 12–20 and those who want to support Shift, our cheerleaders. Both groups make up what we refer to as The Shifterhood.

9. Shift is joint initiative between Wellington City Council and The Boys and Girls Institute, funded by Sport Wellington, the Ministry of Social Development, Lottery Community Grants, COGS, and supported by a vast array of individuals and organisations who are passionate about seeing young Wellington women flourishing.

10. Shift know’s young women have the ability and means to build solutions to their own wellbeing issues. Shift’s role is to provide opportunities to connect and a framework from which young women can grow, learn, move and be inspired.

Join the Shifterhood and receive our monthly eNewsletter updates.



Fran McEwen
Shift Life

Lover of words, dogs, trail running and travel.