Grace Bucknell
Shift Life
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2017


Welcome to the Shift blog!! Some of young may have seen our blog ‘Shift life’ pop up every now and then but get ready because you’re going to be seeing it a lot more! As you probably have seen all over the internet, today is International Women’s Day! We are taking this day as an awesome opportunity to introduce a new writer to the blog!

A bit about Grace:

  • Kia Ora! I’m Grace! I am the Communications Coordinator for Shift and am in my 3rd year at Massey University doing a Bachelor of Communications.
  • I love young people and have grown up going to camps and being a leader to all different sorts of young people.
  • I am super passionate about women and seeing them thrive! (hence the theme of today’s blog post!!)

You’ll hear more from me later, for now, it’s time to chat about the ladies! The superstars who make us do what we do.

Today is more than the inspirational quotes and cute pictures encouraging girl power and equality. Today is a day where we have the opportunity to think about and seriously discuss the way we as women can live our lives with respect for all people even when we don’t get that respect back.

It can be tough being a gal. It’s hard to not feel like there’s this underlying bias favouring men and we can choose to get angry about that and think negatively about men and about our position in society. OR we can rise above all of that nastiness with dignity and strength and let the change begin in us. First of all, today, think about how you treat the other women in your life. Whether it be your friends at school, your teachers, your mothers and sisters. How are we modelling the way the world should run? Then think about the way you’re treating the boys and men in your life. Assuming that they aren’t for equality and meeting them with anger isn’t going to solve the problem!

Today, evaluate the way you interact with other people. Treat people with kindness and gentleness. If you are feeling mad about the way women are viewed do something proactive to break the stereotypes. Aim high at school, attend a Shift Hiko fitness afternoon and smash the boxing, have conversations with people and share your views.

Even though today is more than just inspirational quotes we will leave you with the very famous words of Maya Angelou:

“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.”

What an amazing attitude to aspire towards. Let’s shift the conversation from anger to love and be full of beauty and pride as International Women’s Day comes to an end, let a new journey start.

We love all the amazing people who are part of the Shifterhood! We cannot wait to have a year full of inspiration, fitness, fun and laughter with you!

Peace out! XX

