The Edge of Nineteen

Holding onto the last moments of girlhood

Vicki Jan
3 min readMay 31, 2024


Humble Beginnings

I turned 20 earlier this month, which surely means that I’m one-step closer to officially being an Adult (whatever that means anyway). As I close the door on my teenage years, I wanted to fully explore my everyday joys: cute clothes, journaling, and photography. In a year otherwise riddled with the classic cocktail of perpetuallyimpendingdeadlines + general exhaustion, I found myself turning to these outlets for solace. These were hobbies I’d previously deemed too basic and vapid to showcase, and then wondered if they could be the beginning of something great.

Maybe there was creative worth in whatever I did. Maybe I should stop diminishing things that make me happy just because they’re mainstream.

I. The Patchwork Hoodie

Inspired by Magg’s Rags, I aimed to create a unique Michigan-themed piece that could be worn for game days and such.

After my initial sketch, I cut up fabric from free T-shirts (thanks MDen & Jonah), pinned the parts onto a blank hoodie, and hand-stitched the outline/pattern with thread.

I’ve always admired unique pieces, but this was my first attempt at making something myself (and my first time sewing!). There’s definitely room for improvement, but I’m excited to see where it goes.

Model: Kathryn Hemmila, Photographer: Sophia Martinez (best roommates ever :))

II. The Blog

I have a tendency to word vomit in my journals & figured I should start doing it publicly as well! Updates to come this summer.

Enter It’ll speak for itself…

III. The Digital Camera

May I be the first to say, I’m grateful for the renaissance of the digital camera. It’s a simple point-and-shoot, but forces me to consider light, framing, and objects of interest, making shots feel more tactile than that from an iPhone. I played around with masking, color grading, and different editing styles for the first time on LightRoom. I’ve always wanted to explore photography more seriously, and this was a great gateway into that.

Shot on Kodak PixPro FZ45-BK <3

About Vicki

Hi! My name is Vicki and I’m a rising junior studying biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan. This summer, I’m working in a research lab that focuses on restoring reproductive & endocrine health. When I’m not doing any of the aforementioned things, I enjoy reading, baking, lifting, and playing the piano (currently learning to play by ear!)


