Shifting Impact Investing Perspectives: A Skoll World Forum Report

Can a systems-change lens shift what we invest in and how we measure? To try and answer that question, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) presented two events at the 2024 Skoll World Forum in Oxford, England, to spotlight the emergent field of impact investing through a systems lens and explore emerging practices, questions, and tensions. The first event, on April 9, was a closed session for those who are already thinking about or applying a systems lens to impact investing and impact measurement and management (IMM). This session featured remarks by Latanya Mapp, RPA President and CEO; Alejandro Alvarez von Gustedt, RPA vice president, Europe; and Karim Harji, program director, impact measurement at the Saïd Business School in Oxford.

The second of these presentations was an open session at the Marmalade festival on the margins of the Skoll World Forum for those who are interested in learning more about this growing area from real-world examples of initiatives that are already applying systems change to their work. In addition to remarks by Mapp, Alvarez von Gustedt, and Harji, the latter session also featured RPA vice president Heather Grady; Emilie Gooddall of Fidelity International; and Dominic Hofstetter, executive director of the TransCap Initiative.

To read more about the event, click here.



Shifting Systems Initiative
Shifting Systems through Philanthropy

The Shifting Systems Initiative was launched in 2016 by Skoll, Ford, Chandler, and Draper Richards Foundations, Porticus, and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.