Unveiling the Shifting Systems Initiative Evaluation Report: Insights, Recommendations, and Next Steps Webinar Report


The Shifting Systems Initiative recently had the privilege of hosting a webinar to delve into the Initiative’s Evaluation report, providing an inside look into the evaluation’s methodology, findings, recommendations, and next steps. This webinar served as an opportunity to explain the evaluation process, explore the impact of the initiative on the philanthropy sector, and discuss key takeaways for funders interested in driving systems change. The session featured dynamic discussions, a detailed exploration of the findings, and an interactive Q&A session with our esteemed panelists.

Here, we will provide you with a brief overview of the webinar and its key highlights.

Methodology: Principles-led Evaluation Design

One of the crucial aspects discussed during the webinar was the evaluation report’s methodology. The webinar shed light on the principles-led evaluation design, which prioritized transparency and rigor. Participants learned about the thoughtful approach taken to gather data, including multiple rounds of interviews with internal and external stakeholders, and the process of learning and sense-making. This in-depth methodology ensured that the findings were robust and provided an accurate representation of the Shifting Systems Initiative’s impact.

Findings: Contributions to Changes in Philanthropy

The webinar offered a comprehensive overview of the findings presented in the evaluation report, including insights into the extent to which the philanthropy sector has embraced the concept of ‘systems change’ and the specific contributions made by the Shifting Systems Initiative in transforming discourse and practices within philanthropy. For example, the evaluation found that there has been a sharp upswing in attention to and interest in “systems change” as a concept in the past 4–5 years within the philanthropic community. However, there is a general sense that there is substantially more talk about systems change than action and change in practices or behaviors. The session highlighted success stories, such as the Arctic Funders Collaborative, where funders and communities went through a years-long process to shift towards a solidarity model of funding grounded in true partnership. The discussion also highlighted challenges faced by the initiative, providing invaluable lessons for future endeavors.

Recommendations and Q&A Session:

A significant portion of the webinar was dedicated to discussing the recommendations stemming from the evaluation report. The panelists shared actionable insights and strategic recommendations to guide the next phase of the Shifting Systems Initiative. Many of the recommendations shared focused on the importance of streamlining existing reporting frameworks and carefully examining how philanthropy’s levels of influence can skew power dynamics.

The webinar fostered an interactive environment, allowing attendees to actively participate in a robust Q&A session. Attendees asked panelists about organizations that are currently employing a systems change approach, what surprised them from the findings, and more. This provided a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the report’s findings, seek clarification on specific aspects, and engage in thought-provoking discussions with the panelists.

Looking Ahead: Next Steps for the Shifting Systems Initiative

As the initiative moves forward, webinar panelists shared that the spirit of continued collaboration and collective dialogue, along with the need for ongoing engagement, innovation, and adaptation will continue to be crucial in driving meaningful change within the philanthropy sector. Attendees were encouraged to join the broader community in shaping the future of systems change in philanthropy and to stay connected with the Initiative’s upcoming initiatives and events.

The Shifting Systems Initiative Evaluation webinar offered a deep dive into the methodology, findings, recommendations, and next steps for both the initiative and systems change work overall. As we move forward, we remain committed to fostering a collective dialogue and collaboration to drive lasting change within the sector.

Watch a recording of the webinar here and read the evaluation report here.



Shifting Systems Initiative
Shifting Systems through Philanthropy

The Shifting Systems Initiative was launched in 2016 by Skoll, Ford, Chandler, and Draper Richards Foundations, Porticus, and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.