Shifting the Trajectory — 07: The All-of-the-Above Approach to Addressing Climate and Related Crises

I was already planning to write this article when Lannie Rose posted her entertaining five-part climate solutions series concluding with The All-of-the-Above Path, but they provide a nice segue into this one. Below I offer a laundry list of ways/approaches that may contribute to shifting the current collapse trajectory in a positive direction. I haven’t made any effort to list them in any order of priority, because anyone reading this will have their own sense of priorities and I honor everyone who cares enough to take some sort of action.

a) A quantum leap in human consciousness at any time would quickly allow everything else listed below to receive the time and resources to simultaneously move in the direction of creating a safe and just space for humanity and all life on Earth.

b) Application of systemic leverage points for positive change. Dana Meadows (1999) identified a dozen types of increasing effectiveness. I have identified eleven leverage points for which I see high potential for positive systems change. I’ve listed a few of these separately below.

Thanks to UNDP/Carlotta Cataldi for the graphic.

c) Political, peace, social justice, environmental, climate, economic activism for the common good.

d) Systems of governance and self-organizing for the common good. In terms of individual engagement I’ve highlighted levels of governance and organization to which systemic leverage points with the greatest potential of effecting positive change.

e) Empowering youth, women, and indigenous peoples.

f) Protection of old growth forests, reforestation focused on reinforcing their cooling effects on the global hydrologic system, working with the web of water for self-regulation of ecology and climate.

g) Community-building at the bioregional level, regenerative agriculture.

h) Intentional degrowth is really important though I would suggest that it isn’t the only way to save the world. As Steve Genco points out, unintentional degrowth is already underway as a result of inherent weaknesses in the global capitalist system.

i) Technological solutions. There’s no magic bullet here, but in conjunction with everything else listed here they important.

j) Creation of systemic nurturance spaces.

k) Trim tabs for positive constructive change.

l) Healing ourselves and Mother Earth. When we heal ourselves we heal Mother Earth and when we heal Mother Earth we heal ourselves.

m) Spiritual practices that cultivate compassion, love for ourselves, others and all of life on the planet. My own practices acknowledge that the world seems to be falling apart. At the same time I honor all forms of spiritual practice.

n) ….

If you feel I missed anything, let me know in the comments. I anticipate updating this article, expanding on entries with additional links or separate articles, and will acknowledge the sources of suggestions for additions. We’re all in this together, and more we are able to collaborate, the better off we will be. Perhaps if increasing numbers of us do some of the above, we will be able to shift the collapse trajectory in a positive direction.

You can find an index of all articles at the end of StT — 01: Introduction

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Russell Boulding
Shifting the Human Extinction Trajectory in a Positive Direction

Communicator/networker for positive change, geologist/systems scientist & grandfather/father living on a homestead in southern Indiana with three generations.