Odisha Schools going through waves of transformation

Aveti Learning
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2023

by Sibabrata Choudhury

Odisha Schools are going through a metamorphosis through the School Transformation Programme. Launched in 2021 by Government of Odisha the ambitious programme is transforming school infrastructure and learning environment in all the thirty districts. The flagship programme led by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik is a bold one that aims to bring the latest and best technology innovations for children studying in different corners of the state.

What was unthinkable a few years ago is made possible through the School Transformation programme in Odisha. The schools now have well ventilated and lighted classrooms with quality reading desks for students. Classrooms are equipped with touchscreen panel boards and digital learning system, computer labs and e-library. The toilets are spick and span with running water facility, a welcome change indeed. Some schools have added playing areas and modern science laboratories to make the school environment truly captivating.

One key component of the School Transformation is the installation of Smart Class and Digital Learning Systems in the classrooms. In this program atleast two classrooms in each school is converted into a Smart Class with touchscreen panel board and sound system. Aveti Learning has been working in close collaboration with the Districts and enabled the digital learning content in the classrooms. The e-learning content consists of multiple descriptive video capsules mapped as per grade wise concepts as perscribed by Board of Secondary Education. At the end of each video lesson, a question bank helps students to practice the exercise for an immersive learning experince.

Value addition through Smart Class

Installing infrastructure is the first part, whether it is properly used is another matter. As we moved from one school to other and spoke with teachers and students, it was clear how smooth the transition has been. The smart panel systems are made effective only when we add the right kind of content which are appreciated by teachers, who are the primary users of the smartclasses. Aveti Learning has developed video lessons along with an analytical software that makes the panel boards truly smart. In a few clicks the teachers have access to all the explanatory videos, question sets and teaching tools! Aveti Learning Management System enables the teachers to plan their classes and deliver better leaving scope for more creative activity.

“Now I have more time to attend to each student and the video content is very attractive to students, they listen attentively and grasp better to the visual lessons. Over the span of just a few months all the teachers have become experts in the use of Smart Class equipment.” — Teacher in Kashipur, Rayagada

The idea behind the Transformation of High Schools under is to develop school infrastrcutre and provide a competetive learning space to children. This transformation is taking place in thousands of schools in the form of improved classrooms and school infrastrucure, digital classrooms, e-library, science laboratory and playing space. These are initial steps in Smartclass learning which is adopted by both students and teachers. With some additional support and proper training on Smartclass teaching can be more impactful.

Promising Features of Smart Transformation

  • Minimum of two classrooms are converted into a Smart Class with Smart Board and E-Learning content
  • Smart classrooms equipped with smart aid, lesson videos, practice tests
  • Teachers trained on the use of smart class and adopting interactive teaching methods
  • Students also conversant with Smartboard operations for practice lessons and exercises
  • More time for practice questions, the same content can be installed in the computer system in the schools where students have additional practice time

“Class lessons are very interesting as we see what we hear, especially History and Geography lessons. I remember what I see. Of course our Sirs and Madams make us practice more questions from the question banks.” — Student, Std. 9

The waves of change is evident in thousands of schools across the nook and corner in Odisha. While the Smart Classrooms are the smart engine, Aveti digital content is the fuel to spur the engine towards excellence. Aveti Learning is committed to work closely with all the schools and strive towards a modern and prosperous Odisha.



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