Written by Manisha Kabi

Aveti Learning
3 min readDec 24, 2017


Arushi Agarwal

Meet Arushi
Arushi Agarwal is one such heart among million others. Arushi is originally from India, now a high school student from San Francisco bay area. Years ago her parents relocated to the US but with them carried India in their hearts. Arushi obviously was cut from the same cloth. She has been instrumental in teaching Spoken English to less privileged and less resourceful school children, college students, graduates and whoever has shown interest. Being one of the most actively involved and dedicated international volunteers of Shikhya, young Arushi has constantly been contributing and affecting many lives. Every weekend on Saturday mornings she’s up and all set to have a conversation with kids here in Odisha. She has always been very excited and enthusiastic in helping these kids learn English.

How it’s done!
The Spoken English Programme is conducted on a platform provided by Shikhya. Every Saturday morning (local time) Arushi takes a session of 45 minutes per 3 students. Various exercises, assignments and activities are solved and evaluated. Both Arushi and the end users (mostly school children) have their respective login ids provided by Shikhya and that is the way they get to interact with each other. The kids are taught basic conversational skills in a student-friendly way. Arushi gives relatable examples that make it easy for the learners. Based on this learning they are asked to solve exercises and assignments at regular intervals to evaluate their progress. Arushi , then assesses and gives the necessary feedback, sometimes through videos, especially on the verbal communication part. This way the eloquence and vocabulary of the children is also checked. Considering her engaging efforts Arushi has been proclaimed as Shikhya’s Volunteer of the year 2017.

Sample Learning Sessions Led by Arushi

Journey so far..

So far in a span of 1 year Arushi has had conversation with over 20 children and other people from different walks of life, who aspire to speak correct English and communicate properly. Last year Arushi accompanied by her family, also visited Odisha especially to meet and interact with these children she has been teaching. She with her parents also paid a visit to different orphanages.

Shikhya is trying its best to help both the ends by becoming a connecting link between orphanages/under-privileged children and volunteers. From our observations and experiences in a year, approximately little dedicated contribution has impacted substantially. 1 student volunteer. 30 hours. 20 beneficiaries!

Arushi, a young Santa has already paved the path by initiating it. What are we waiting for! All we need is a wilful student volunteer who could just devote an hour a week for the less privileged yet talented buds who wish to blossom.
So many of us are making wishes, hanging the wish sock on the Christmas tree, awaiting our Secret Santas, hoping to be flooded with presents, let’s at least make a little effort, let some bells ring in those innocent lives and let us try to be some child’s Santa this year! Will it not be great!

Merry Christmas!



Aveti Learning

To foster personalized education in vernacular languages.