Build A Website For Yourself By Yourself!

Shimbi Labs
Shimbi SMB Growth Hacks
5 min readJul 4, 2018

With the help of some search on the Internet, creating a website has now become a more easy task than it was in the past. With new tutorials and blogs coming up every week, no novice gets to feel left behind when it comes to making their own website, at least.

Finding the best platform to build your website is the first step towards building your professional website. This blog will focus on these details, how you can create a website for yourself, by yourself.

For the user looking for a personal website or blog.

You may wish to go for a website that has a simple interface but allows you to be creative; one which is easy to work on and saves you time; the website that is the best and is also customizable.

We suggest that you look for a website building platform which is free to use. Not all the good platforms you see would be free, but it is always a good idea to see how much you can do with the “free” plan, and once you like it, you can move up a notch and start paying for more services and benefits.

Although all the website builders provide the user with numerous options to customise the website, add themes and pictures, not all are useful. You must primarily focus on usefulness, simplicity and effectiveness of any tool. Rember less is more, than getting overwhelmed and lost. You can always go for more when you get used to it, and you actually need it.

Some website builders like Budo, also allow the user to SEO-Optimize the website and blogs. This way your site is easy to be found on search engines.

For the user looking for a professional website or blog.

For you, there are a lot more options available. Because neither did anyone say that a professional website has to be paid for nor did they say the opposite, we guess that you are open to both the options.

To start with the basics, for a business, one should get a good domain name and instead of generic which comes free with the website builders. Branded domain name is important for a professional website.

You can start with the small plans and upgrades as per requirements.

No matter what kind of website you are planning to build for yourself, it is essential that select the website building platform which works seamlessly on mobile phones too. Today more people use their phone or tablet’s to search and surf the web.

Getting started — make a list of things to do for your website.

Now that you have found yourself the most suited website builder or Web CMS, you will need to chalk out a plan to start giving a shape to your website. This work can be made easy if you know what you want to do with your site. If you are making the website for your business, your website will be centralised towards promotion of the products or services along with details of your company.

What is the purpose of my website?

Most important question to ask yourself before you start creating your website is, what is the purpose of my website? Most of the websites created will have one or more of following purposes -

  • Attract people to your physical shop
  • Sale things online
  • Your website to be a source of information
  • Build relationships with your customers
  • All of them

Keep in mind that the key to a successful website is a clutter-free interface. Every information adds to your website should be to-the-point and well organised.

When you are selling your product, the target audience is the prime aspect of your business. Learn about the expectations of your target audience and try to cater to those expectations through your website.

Make appropriate use of graphics, animations, photos and videos to speak more than through your texts. These will not only make the website more appealing but will also make it easy for the audience to understand the product.

Building your website

After your plan is ready and is happy with the outcome, it is time to get started with creating your site. To begin with, you will need to add the following pages to your website:

  • Home Page: This is the first page people will come across when they visit your website. But this page should be the last page you will be designing. This page should include an introduction to the services you plan to provide, but also must be free from too much information.
  • Products and Services: You will be giving an insight into your products and services. This page will also include the pricing and inclusions of the service. For example, if your business is about electronic fixtures, you can mention the services included in each package and the price of each package.
  • About Us’ page: This will be the page where you will add more information about your company. This page will speak in details about your business, where it is based, the ideology your company holds and the kind of service your company aims at providing.
  • News and Events: This page is vital because you will write about the new events, announcements and notices about your services and products. People will keep coming back to your website to learn more about the offers you provide.
  • Contact or Communicate: Through this page, your customers and visitors will be able to solve any issues through direct communication with you. The chances are high that for your services, no matter how extensive your blog pages are, your clients will want to contact you before buying your services. So, make sure there are helpline numbers and emails through which your visitors can reach you.

Editing your website like a pro

You are almost at the end, and also at the beginning. If you have selected the right website builder, you will be able to make as many changes to your website as you want. Follow the few tips mentioned below:

  1. Keep the language as simple as possible. You want people from all backgrounds and ages to understand the idea behind your products and services.
  2. Use only high-quality images, graphics and videos. Use authentic pictures of your product, people and your facilities than unrelated stock photos.
  3. Read and re-read the content on your website and delete anything that sounds like extra information. Make your reliable friends and family members read the content before publishing it.

These are some essential steps you should follow while building a website for yourself by yourself. Hope you enjoyed the blog! Please share your site building experience with us in the comment section below.

If you find this blog useful, please share with people to whom you think it will be helpful.

This blog post was first written by Rimi Sharma on the Shimbi Labs Blog.

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Shimbi Labs
Shimbi SMB Growth Hacks

Developer of innovative, simple, powerful yet affordable products like Budo & Invoice for freelancers & small businesses. Grow your business faster than ever.