Where to find Cory (a.k.a. yours truly) post-Shinkansen Retrogamer

Come on the art and webcomic journey with yours truly

Cory Roberts
Shinkansen Retrogamer
3 min readApr 14, 2024


Hi. Cory Roberts here. I recently announced my plan to cease publication on Shinkansen Retrogamer on Medium after its five-year run. This story will show you exactly how you can come with me post-Shinkansen Retrogamer. Medium has blocked all Patreon and Ko-fi links on the platform, so signing up for Stripe is an absolute no-no.

I still have another Medium publication called Samurai Cory Draws Stuff, as it is about developing the upcoming webcomic series I’m working on. I have yet to come up with a permanent name without facing any trademark issues. I had to help my dad hold the ladder for three weeks in March of last year rather than spending a lot of time drawing since my previous JNCO jeans had a large hole, which is completely upsetting as I cannot hold the ladder at all. Shinkansen Retrogamer does not have any plans to be turned into a book. The Spoutible account as well as its Facebook page will remain for the time being.


I plan to launch the webcomic series between the spring and summer, so the characters will be more presentable and have a more Y2K aesthetic when redesigned. The real heroes of the upcoming story are teenagers (those between the ages of 14 and 19). Patreon and Ko-fi will also be re-launched, with some changes. The series’ primary audience is teens to adults (see the FAQ here).

(Update 06/01: I’m still having difficulty developing a new name for the webcomic series/trio since some of the initial names have been either taken or trademarked. Also, many are leaving Instagram for Cara as I refused to join Cara and do not want to risk deleting my Instagram account.)

In other words, a rising tide should lift all boats since many artists use Instagram, Newgrounds, Behance, ArtStation, Pixiv, Mastodon, Bluesky, and Tumblr, as fan art can’t be posted on Medium.

The upcoming series will be colored instead of black and white for readers who are looking for something with the vibes of Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Dragon Ball, Fairy Tail, and Jet Set Radio Future, as opposed to racing to meet embargoes or low-quality content (including clickbait).

Property of Sega/Sonic Team

Where to find me

You can find me on social media here. Beware of any impersonators who are posing as me.

If you have any questions around the above, or if the upcoming webcomic series’ FAQ needs to be rewritten, please pop them in the comments, and I’ll add them here with answers.

Cory out.



Cory Roberts
Shinkansen Retrogamer

American digital illustrator and manga artist who draws Y2K clothing and big sneakers. Now working on personal and freelance projects.