What is human, who is machine?

iA Inc.
Ship of Fools
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2018

The takeover of artificial intelligence seems to be a done deal. The open questions are: When will machines outperform us? Will they annihilate us? And: Should self-driving cars kill one pregnant woman or two Nobel prize winners? Artificial Intelligence is a complex riddle for all sorts of experts. It’s full of magic, mystery, money, mind-boggling techno-ethical paradoxes and sci-fi dilemmas that may or may not affect us in some far or near future. Meanwhile, information technology already shapes our everyday life. Things already go wrong. And no one is responsible.

Why do we build artificial intelligence? What are machines supposed to do? What are machines for?

  • Do machines serve us as much as we serve those who own them?
  • Should humans serve machines or should they serve us?
  • May we give machines the technical, legal and political power to make decisions in our place, subjecting us to their processes?

What should we do? What may we hope? What can we know? What is human and who is machine? Read the full post on iA.net

