Help Your Tech Teams Take Flight

Matthew Halverson
Ship On Day One
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

The Decoding Coders workshop gives business leaders a toolkit for communicating with developers and achieving software success.

Leading tech teams can be hard. Sometimes it can feel like there’s jargon created just to confuse everyone without a CS degree.

Getting the information you need out of technical teams can feel like pulling teeth. As for setting expectations and knowing what’s normal, well, we don’t have enough time to go into that here.

If software projects hadn’t taken over the world, that confusion and frustration would be enough to make any business leader raise the white flag. But software isn’t going anywhere, and you’ve got success in your sights!

We created Decoding Coders, a hands-on workshop for business leaders like you who want to stop pulling their hair out and start leading their tech teams to victory.

Over two days you’ll learn the ins and outs of shipping a piece of software from our friendly, approachable instructors. And while you’re at it, you’ll learn our framework for software development success that we developed after working with hundreds of high-performing tech organizations.

You’ll walk away with a toolkit for leading development teams, creating amazing relationships, and extracting plain English from your tech teams. They say communication is the secret to great teamwork!

We look forward to seeing you there.

