How to stand out as a developer?

Edwin Klesman
Published in
9 min readFeb 26, 2019


How To Stand Out As A Developer —

In this post, I provide some tips on how you can set yourself apart from the rest and stand out as a developer.

In this post, I provide some tips on how you can set yourself apart from the rest and stand out as a developer.
This is not the same as making yourself look better. It is about putting in the effort to get noticed. About getting noticed for the right reasons.

Demand For Non-Social Coders Dropped 📉

The days of the white-skinned, heavy metal wearing coders that sit in the basement of a company all day are gone.
No longer the people that are rambling on their keyboard as soon as orders are piling up on their desks are what companies are looking for.

Companies have long past the stage where they are looking for tech warriors that simply do as they’re told. Where they tell and you build the solution like manager X or Y is demanding in Bigcorp Inc.

This is partly thanks to new technologies and the possibility to look up all sorts of information for free on the interwebs.

Communicative Developers Are King…



Edwin Klesman

Senior dev @Detacom | cross-platform mobile & web dev | Product Maker | SaaS | from app ideas to implementation | Owner | Music: