The age VS professional value debate

Tech Veterans: Stop Playing the Age Card On (Young) People

Edwin Klesman
8 min readMar 3, 2020


I recently got triggered by the post of a woman — in her early twenties — on LinkedIn who had held a good presentation on marketing but got the Age Card played upon her.

Some businesspeople talked to her afterward about how they see the value of what she’d been talking about, but that they can’t estimate if she would be capable of pulling it off since, well, she was so young.

In essence, they were estimating someone’s professional value and weighted it by using the age variable.

First Impressions Matter ✨

Since like, forever, people have been estimating who is standing in front of them based on first impressions and the sparse moments since you first met.

People look at your clothing, how well you take care of yourself, how confident you appear, and someone’s age to determine if they can and will listen to you, or even think of trusting what you’ve got to say.

Although I do not subject to these variables — they can sure be valid or used to find out what kind of person you’re dealing with — I DO think that in Tech, age is becoming a less indicative variable.

My Encounter With The Age…



Edwin Klesman

Senior dev @Detacom | cross-platform mobile & web dev | Product Maker | SaaS | from app ideas to implementation | Owner | Music: