Never start with a scalable product

The Three Product Phases

Edwin Klesman
14 min readJul 6, 2020


There are three product phases that every product will need to go through when you’re focussing on a #valuefirst approach.
The three product phases explained from a #valuefirst perspective

In this article, I’ll show you the three technical phases that your startup/product will go through if you’re focussing on value first. I explained the concept of the #valuefirst mindset previously in this article.

One of the most important tasks as a maker or an entrepreneur is to keep your focus on the primary goal and to learn how to divide the necessary from the nice-to-haves.

In this article, I’ll be using the terms “product”, “service” and “solution” interchangeably. They all refer to the thing you, as a (potential) maker think will be a viable solution.

Keep Your Focus

It’s hard to stick to the absolute necessities. I’m not just talking product features here. For example:

  • User communication & support
  • Backend automation processes
  • Scalable architecture
  • A database that supports high volumes
  • Automated admin processes
  • User interface design
  • Functionality that’s handy but used only 10% of the time
  • And the list goes on…

All these items take quite the effort and time to get right. And — although they are…



Edwin Klesman

Senior dev @Detacom | cross-platform mobile & web dev | Product Maker | SaaS | from app ideas to implementation | Owner | Music: