Luggage-free city: a myth or the only acceptable future of travel?

Aleksander Gansen


Modern minimalistic ecosystem excludes necessity for humans to do robot’s jobs. Amazon knows it, the government of Dubai knows it. Do you?
For centuries there were horses, mules and camels working for humanity taking care of carrying heavy stuff on their backs. But take a close look at the modern city of today. What do you see? I see thousands of people moving like ants following certain paths from the hubs like airports or train stations to hundreds of hotels and Airbnb apartments dragging their luggage, sports gear, purchases. This reminds me of the ancient trade routes with camels and gunmen.

Do we truly believe that in the age of smartphones, drones and hacked president elections we still have to take care of the first and last mile by ourselves?! Thats BS. I repeat — BS.

Which city will be brave enough to say it’s word and become a game changer offering it’s citizens and visitors new level of experience — a hands-free travel? Is it going to be Dubai? Or maybe London? We have met both within the last 6 weeks and it looks like the dialog can be established with more than one Metropolis. In mid March the Lord Mayor of City of London Andrew Parmley was visiting Tallinn meeting with the local startup community with the goal of establishing connections with the new and promising companies that can affect the development of the City he’s in charge of. During the panel discussion with the representatives of Cybernetica, Transferwise and with ex-PM Taavi Rõivas very important subjects were touched. Among others — implementing Estonian breakthroughs in tech within different sectors of the UK economy.

When I raised the question: “Could you imagine luggage-free public transport and the streets of London?” the reaction was amazing: “Let’s talk. Contact us and if there is a way to achieve that, we’ll find the money and the right people.”

Yes, there is a way. Shipitwise core team believes in tech. We believe that there are existing resources in transportation industry that can and should be dynamically restructured and powered by smart tech in order to start servicing travellers.

Just imaging a spacious airport building with people moving fast to the gates without any need for a check-in procedures. Imagine the aircrafts, trains and buses made so comfortable and turning around really fast as there is no need to spend valuable time on loading and unloading personal belongings. Isn’t THAT exciting?!

There are numerous number of research made on those expenses in time and money made today due to low efficiency of the luggage handling systems in large and small international hubs. Time is a new luxury in 2017, thus the trends show that the value of this asset is growing exponentially.
Our first version on the platform was launched in December 2016. Within just three months we understood how important our work is for most of the travel companies and airlines we have been meeting so far.

Nordica, the Estonian flagship airline was the first in the world starting offering Hands-Free-Travel opportunity to their customers. Within just three months all of the largest and most known travel firms in Baltic states had joined the Revolution and stood up against the excess luggage hassle.

Earlier this week the largest airline in Baltics decided to add some fire to this movement. From early April the customers of AirBaltic will be able to travel hands free! Polish LOT, Finnair, Lufthansa, EasyJet, Aeroflot had introduced their interest and now we are talking. In our team we have the best engineers money can buy, we have extremely dedicated customer support, we have professional team of people with knowledge of how logistics should look like.

We are Shipitwise. We are here for you to stop being the camel carrying your luggage and sports gear around the globe.We believe that the future is NOW. Join the Revolution! Ask from your travel agent or an airline next time when booking your flight or hotel: “I wanna travel like a boss, Shipitwise way. Can you provide it?”

Aleksander Gansen,
Co-founding CEO of Shipitwise



Aleksander Gansen
Editor for

Co-Founder of WOF Labs | Startup Mentor | WEB3 & Blockchain Evangelist | NFT Collector | Lecturer