5 tips to start your own business

If you can’t stand your job anymore, if you want to create something, be your own boss and change a lot of people’s lives, stop finding excuses and grow some balls!

Shippify Stories
4 min readAug 3, 2016


Have you had a crazy idea, that can change everyone’s way of thinking, and want to live the dream?

That idea has been on the back of your mind for too long. While you are in your cubicle at work, stuck on the traffic on the way to a job that you don’t believe, surrounded by boring people. Every day, night, always. When you feel you don’t belong there and are in need to be more.

If you feel you need to do something to make this idea real, to make the dream happen and have your own business, it’s time to realize you are an entrepreneur.

But, be aware. You will need courage, a lot of it. And to start, take off your idea of the paper. In fact, don’t even put it on the paper. Do it. Do it today, do it for yesterday.

Yes, it’s a little bit scary. Getting away of what looks safe and right, going towards a dream is for sure terrifying. But, staying on the same place is way more.

So, here are some tips from someone who has been gone through this rough path:

1 — Don’t listen those who call you crazy, listen to yourself.

If you’re positive, even if you can’t explain why, that your idea can work it’s time to stop asking opinions and start believing in yourself. Of course is always good and wise to do some researches and learn the more you can about your business, but never forget about what your intuition is saying, or your guts. This is the moment when you start to become who you always wanted to be.

2 — Be creative.

Do you have 1 million to invest in your idea that will change the history? No? Most of us don’t either. So find other ways. Find resources. Don’t expect that your project is 100% beautiful and perfect to try to make it work. Do what you can with what you have.

3 — Drop the drama.

Stop finding excuses to not start working on your ideia. No, you don’t need a business plan of 121321654 pages. You don’t need your parents approval or an excuse to quit your job either.

You are just learning how to walk. Remember to always take one step at the time and don’t try to take bigger steps than your legs can reach. Don’t be afraid to take some risks, but be consistent with your reality, this way you will achieve a place to make bigger bets and bigger steps.

4 — It will fail.

Sometimes you will think there is no other way, that everything is wrong. At the down moments, remember who you are and why you are doing this. Take a deep breath, get some coffee and don’t give up. Never. It’s always worth to try other alternatives, look the situation from other perspectives and keep it going.

Don’t be so attached to your initial idea. Be open to changes. If your first project didn’t go as planned, don’t be afraid to let it go and start again. There’s no shame on that.

5 — Still lost?

Don’t know how to start? What about stoping worrying so much and just begin? Do what you can do. Research new ways to make your idea tangible and talk to people who can really help you. A great tip is Linda Rottenberg’s book: Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags, which was an inspiration to this post.

But remember: Your best friend who will say it’s the greatest idea ever doesn’t count and neither does your family who will say you are going to starve.

If you didn’t watch Jerry Maguire, now it’s time!

So, wash your face, get your head up and deal with it. Get your sh#* together. You need action. Don’t be afraid of your dreams or to how big they can become.

Doesn’t matter if your idea is about opening a store, revolutionizing the food industry or making handcraft. What really matter is that when each of us is open for changes, the world also changes. :]

But if you are thinking this is not something for you, check out Cinthia’s experience as a Shipper and how it changed her life.

But if your dream includes products being delivered, like Bruna’s and her new concept about flowers, you already know who you need to ask for some help: us! #GetShipDone! :D

