Climate-Controlled Warehouse — Dos & Don’ts

Debarshi Chakrabarti
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2022

There is no end to the different types of products sold by eCommerce businesses’. While normal warehouses can store most products, certain items must be stored in a climate-controlled warehouse.

Climate controlled warehouse

It is no secret that India’s tropical climate is both a boon and a bane for her growing economy. From agriculture to infrastructure, the torrid condition affects all.

Climate-controlled warehouses or storage spaces support a variety of goods and products and help businesses run their operations smoothly.

The global cold chain logistics market was valued at US$160 billion in 2018. With the advent of quick commerce, a lot has changed regarding order fulfillment. Hyper-local services have changed consumers’ purchase behaviour in tier 1 & 2 cities. Thanks to digitalisation and a massive increase in mobile users, businesses have started catering exclusively to tier 2 & 3 cities, trying to close in the untapped markets.

It is estimated that by 2026 the global cold chain logistics market will cross US$585 billion.

With initiatives like this, there is a growing demand for products like dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, processed meats and products with a short shelf life. Perishable items like these must be kept in a temperature-controlled environment, and thus the need for climate-controlled warehouses has witnessed a multifold increase over the past years.

Features Of A Climate Controlled Warehouse

  • The internal temperatures of these warehouses have different ranges. Usually, these warehouses operate in 4 temperature ranges -
  1. Ambient: 15 to 30°C
  2. Cool: 10 to 15°C
  3. Refrigerated: 0 to 10°C
  4. Frozen: -30 to 0°C
  • Along with temperature, humidity is also controlled in these warehouses for the safekeeping of goods and products.
  • The major industries needing temperature-controlled warehouses are -
  1. Food & Beverage
  2. Chemical
  3. Cosmetic
  4. Pharmaceutical
  • The warehouse needs to undergo continuous checks at regular intervals to ensure that there is no molding rotting, sprouting or spoilage.

Climate Controlled Warehouses — Tips To Follow

  1. Unlike other warehouses, temperature-controlled storages need to be well ventilated internally. That being said, it is crucial to check that no leaks or direct external ventilation are affecting the temperature setting of the warehouse.
  2. Businesses should be wary of the extreme weather conditions outside the warehouse and maintain the functionality of the cooling systems accordingly. A warehouse operating in Rajasthan or Jammu will have different weather conditions. Proper maintenance and serviceability of the machines and cooling units of the warehouse are key to the smooth running of operations.
  3. Pallet racks used to store the items should be compatible with the type of goods in the climate-controlled warehouse. Using a high-density pallet racking system can be beneficial as it is the ideal option for lowering energy consumption.
  4. Use automated storage and retrieval systems in the warehouse to minimise human intervention. Try to shorten the time employees have to spend inside the warehouses. With more human intervention, higher are the chances of contamination in the case of sensitive items.
  5. Using space optimally can help reduce the refrigerated area of the warehouse. This can save significant costs if multiple climate-controlled warehouses are in operation. Categorising the SKUs accordingly will save time and energy and help in faster operations.

Temperature Controlled Warehouses — What Not To Do

  1. Do not conduct activities inside the warehouse that might affect the temperature or other conditions. This includes lighting fires, smoking, spraying volatile liquids, leaving open water faucets etc.
  2. Keep a check on the products stored inside the climate-controlled warehouse. Not every product needs to be kept in a temperature-controlled unit. If you are a business dealing with multiple SKUs of different types, make sure the right type of goods are placed in their respective place.
  3. Do not let dust accumulate inside the warehouse. Keep the area clean to avoid any possible blockage of the ventilation system for inefficient cooling. Conduct cleaning operations at regular intervals to ensure the systems are operating properly.
  4. Wear personal protective gear (safety shoes, hard hats, safety gloves, eye protection) inside climate-controlled warehouses to avoid harm and to reduce any chance of contamination from chemicals and other toxic materials.
  5. Have a solid management plan that involves training and regular meetings with your employees about strategies for safety. Address talent shortages to reduce operational inactivity and injuries.
  6. Do not let workflow and workload changes affect your employees. Frequenting between extreme temperature, high noise levels and poor lighting can affect employee morale and performance. Make sure these ever-changing conditions are appropriately managed.


Climate-controlled warehouses are increasing throughout India, and so are dark stores. Businesses must have extensive knowledge and proper planning before starting operations in temperature-controlled warehouses.

Taking proper care of logistics, inventory, energy efficiency, and workforce management will ensure smooth business operations. Going forward, automation will play a huge part in hyperlocal delivery operations, especially when consumers want their products delivered fresh, fast and on time.

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Debarshi Chakrabarti

A fan of all things quirky and abnormal, Debarshi finds joy in the little things. He is fun! The monotonous days are the most underrated pleasures of his life.