How To Boost Your eCommerce Conversions This Diwali

Debarshi Chakrabarti
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2022
How To Boost eCommerce Conversions This Diwali

Boosting eCommerce conversions is a prerequisite for marketers, especially when the festive season is knocking on the door. Teams are already setting up their campaigns, optimising processes and looking for trends to jump on.

Online businesses lose themselves in a loop of factors leading to better conversions. This either means streamlining their processes, finding the right product-audience fit or experimenting with order and design forms on their interfaces.

What Is A Good Conversion Rate?

Simple to ask, the answer to this question is often the stuff of nightmares for marketers. To understand a good conversion rate, one needs to understand the product, the market and the industry. Conversion rate is the ratio of transitions to sessions, expressed as a percentage. Each market and product has a different conversion rate. These rates also differ across the customer’s devices.

A study showed that the average ecommerce conversion rate for Shopify stores is 1.4%.

Another study in September 2022 showed that the average ecommerce conversion rate stood at 1.3%. Anything more than 3.2% is considered a good conversion rate, and having a conversion rate greater than 4.8% puts businesses in the best 10%. On the other hand, a conversion rate lower than 0.2% is considered a bad conversion rate.

Factors Affecting Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

A lot can go wrong when optimising eCommerce conversions. While a dip in conversion can result from bad SEO practices, good practices, on the other hand, do not occur overnight. Keeping the ideal practices will only inch toward positive results.

Marketers follow a few rules of thumb and consider essential factors when measuring conversion rates. These are fundamental factors that affect a business’s website conversion rates.

Ineffective Call To Action

A call to action is supposed to initiate an immediate response from the shoppers or encourage them towards a direct sale. Your CTA button should be catchy and convincing enough to encourage the customer to take action. Possible CTAs of ‘sign up’, ‘download now’ or ‘try now’ are used by most businesses and are a thing of the past. Your CTA should be visible, action-oriented, and non-generic.

Poor Product-Customer Alignment

Conversion rates can drop like a hot potato if your website targets the wrong audience. You might have visitors but no conversions simply because the search engine brings irrelevant users to your site. Finding the right audience for your product is the first thing to do while setting up your website. If there is poor product-customer segmentation, or your website targets a broader audience, then your ecommerce conversions are likely to tank.


In 2022, user experience will be of the utmost importance. Businesses are hiring design experts to offer their customers a seamless, clean and interactive experience. Having complex navigation on your website, too much information, glitchy sections, and low-quality photos and videos can deter your customers from a good experience. Businesses must know and map the user journey correctly to make changes on the website.

Outdated Website Content

With the festive season coming, it is important for marketers to be updated and prepared. Maybe you are selling the latest fashion in the market, but your landing page does not focus on that. You may see poor conversion rates if your webpage content is outdated or lacks quality. Invest in copywriters to fix your website copy. Apply the AIDA formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to create the perfect content and user journey.

Tips To Boost Your eCommerce Conversions This Festive Season

Optimising conversions is not a one-time event. It needs to happen continuously, especially when the festive season is coming. Here are a few tips for marketers and SEO professionals to follow for higher ecommerce conversion rates, clicks and sales.

Optimise Your Website For Mobile Responsiveness

Globally, 59.4% of all internet traffic comes from mobile. In India, the number stands tall at a whopping 75.03%. India will have 931.3 million smartphone users in 2022, out of which 840 million are internet users. As of August 2022, 72.44% of Indians used mobile as their preferred device, followed by desktops at 27.11% and tablets at 0.45%.

This shows how important it is for businesses to focus on mobile architecture to make their e-stores more compatible with handheld devices.

Strengthen Backend Support For Higher Traffic

If you anticipate a higher volume of traffic, then make sure you have the proper support from the backend to accommodate such. Having the bandwidth to accommodate surge traffic is a good SEO practice and is also helpful during the festive rush. Make sure your website uses three layered distributed applications to reduce CPU and memory usage. Ensure that your servers use load balancers to distribute user requests among different servers.

Selecting high-performing frameworks, optimising SQL, and reducing file download size are all different ways your business website can boost performance and accommodate higher traffic.

Ease The Checkout Process

One of the reasons for low ecommerce conversions is abandoned carts. 54% of the time, carts are abandoned due to account creation, long & complicated checkout process, and lack of payment options. Customers do not like to spend a long time on product checkout. Offering them a seamless checkout experience means faster shopping time and more revenue.

Allow customers one-click login, autofill their details, and use their saved payment methods for quicker transactions. The easier it is to checkout, the better the customer experience.

Opt For A Fulfillment Service

With all said and done, one of the main ways to improve your ecommerce conversion is to fulfill your orders 24/7. Offer same/next day delivery to send the products to your customers faster. Send live tracking notifications to keep your customers informed and check for the correct address to reduce the number of Return To Origin orders. Take the help of a reputed 3rd party logistics provider to avoid struggling with picking, packing and shipping your rush orders.


The festive season brings a lot of challenges — operational, marketing, financial and more. Some hurdles are easy to overcome, while some challenges are persistent. While a few festive challenges can be managed by applying best practices, some may not be in our control.

Luckily, optimising and boosting eCommerce conversions is something every marketer keeps an eye out for. Following the above-mentioned tips can help you increase your conversions and prepare you for a bountiful Diwali season.

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Debarshi Chakrabarti

A fan of all things quirky and abnormal, Debarshi finds joy in the little things. He is fun! The monotonous days are the most underrated pleasures of his life.