How to write a thorough product one-pager for internal teams

Emmanuel Breard
Shipup blog
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2022

The importance of a product one-pager

A product one-pager is a document that encapsulates all information needed for internal teams to understand a new feature/product and empower them to take action. It should be written all along the product cycle and completed at the end of the Beta-test. However, it must remain updated as improvements are released or more testimonials are gathered, etc.

Shared at the end of the Beta-test with all teams internally, the one-pager will empower them to take the relevant actions that follow a new feature release.

The marketing team will find all the necessary information to create impactful content (from newsletter to landing pages) and make the most out of the feature. The Sales team will be able to update their pitch and understand when and how the new feature can be useful for prospects. This is also useful for the customer success team that will get precious information to advise and answer customers.

Even months after the release, the one-pager of a feature will remain crucial, it could help onboard newcomers, answer a question from a prospect, etc.

What to include in your one-pager?

The one-pager content should be straight to the point, quick, and easy to read for teams to quickly grasp the most important topics.

Let’s take a look at what to include!

Feature presentation

This first section aims to quickly present the feature. It indicates the name of the feature, a catchphrase or slogan, a short high-level description, and one or two screenshots or logos to illustrate the feature. Keep it short, more details will be shared in other sections below.

Name: Return Account
Tagline: Decrease contact rate and gain visibility on your return flow
- Track return package
- Communicate on shipping events with shoppers
- Assess carrier performance
- Share return incidents with the Support team
Logo, screenshots, etc: add here


Most of the time a feature isn’t useful for all types of customers or personas. The product research helped define potential users. In this second section, we give information about the intended target and potential constraints.

We share information about the industry concerned by the feature, the volume of packages handled since it can dramatically impact the intensity of the pain (very specific to Shipup’s context), and the market in which targeted merchants should work (geographically).

The information given here is suited for our context (Shipup is a SaaS B2B for e-commerce retailers), of course, this list should be adapted depending on your own circumstances.

Industry: Clothing, Electronics
Volume: return > 10 000/month
Buyer persona: Head of CS
User Persona: Customer success/support
Market (geographically): All around the world (main European carriers already available, less for US carriers - on-demand).


This section lists the benefits of the feature. This section lists the benefits of the feature and will describe the impact the feature has on our customers. It can also be useful to briefly share how the impact will arise. For instance, decrease the post-delivery contact rate by notifying your customers throughout the delivery process.

1. Decrease your contact rate by letting know your customers when they will be refunded
2. Be more proactive to solve incidents on returned packages by sending alerts to your customer success team
3. Improve your brand image and re-purchase rate by improving customer experience on refunds
4. Have more visibility on returned packages to anticipate your warehouse workload
5. Gain visibility on incidents during the return journey to refund your customer and claim your money to the carrier asap**.**


This section should explain the main use-cases to help storytelling and ease the understanding of how the feature is working. This is especially important for the teams to be able to quickly relate to what they’ve heard and project how it will actually help our prospects or customers.

Decrease contact rate:
Shipup will fetch delivery events for each return tracking number shared and send notifications to the customer (and/or the success team) for each relevant delivery event to inform them of the current step.
Early refund:
Thanks to this new product merchants will be able to set up a webhook that triggers a refund when the return package is handed to the carrier.


The how-to section gives a high-level description of the product. For more details, a link to the complete product documentation should be added.

It is also important to share product limitations, if any, to make sure the Sales and Customer Success teams are aware of the constraints.

High-level descriptions:
- A merchant in the Pro or Enterprise plan can create a return account from its menu. All settings are duplicated from the first account to the return account.
- The information must be sent via API or FTP
- All notifications have a dedicated return
- How to set up your notifications/tracking page/etc
Help center for more detailsHigh-level Limitations: Be able to share return tracking numbers.


Indicate how the product or feature compares to your main competitors. Is it a feature that tackles a problem left unsolved by other competitors? Is it a feature that solves a problem in a different fashion than other players in your industry?

This will help the sales team handle prospects’ objections.

Competitors // Pricing // Pros // Cons
*Competitor A* //
*Competitor B* //


This section is essential for the marketing team, it will help them add impactful content from real users on landing pages, newsletters, etc.

Testimonials are gathered during the Beta-test phase of a feature. To know more about Beta-test see the article: 5 tips to handle a Beta-test:

> “It helped us decrease our contact rate dramatically” - Claire, Customer success manager at Acme 2
> “We know refund our customers on return the moment the package is handed to the carrier which helped us increase our return NPS” - Martin, Head of CS at Acme> “We are no more in the dark able to anticipate what’s coming to us” - Marie, Operation manager at Hooly

Key metrics

Share key metrics that illustrate the pain/need tackled by the feature that has been gathered during the product research. Also, share the impact the feature usage had during a beta test (time spent to do X decreased by 70%).

- “Where is my order” requests represent 20% of the contact rate of online retailers in the Clothing industry.Beta-test results:- The feature helped decrease the return contact rate by 70% on average
- Return NPS increased by 10 points after 1 month
- The time spent handling a return request decreased by 50%


This section indicates in which pricing plan (Starter, Pro, or Enterprise) this feature is available.

When releasing add-on products, products that can be purchased as an add-on, the pricing model is described in this section.

Plan: Pro and Enterprise plan
Price: Pricing per return tracking number imported

Additional info (guide, FAQ, etc.)

This last section should gather all links to useful documentation like tech documentation, Beta-test results, information on how to set up the feature in detail, etc.

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