Alaska: Day 5: Angel Rocks & Chena Hot Springs

Grace E. Park
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2014

Tiredness vs. Hunger? hunger wins. I woke up at 6:30 AM to get some continental breakfast. Of course, my eyes are always hungrier than my stomach, so I ate way too much and brought leftovers back for other kids to eat. #fatass.

An ice show was happening minutes away from our hotel, but we decided to stop by another time due to costs&Monica. Instead we went hiking on the Angel Rocks trail, since the hike would eventually lead us to the Chena hot springs that we wanted to visit.

We hiked and hiked and hiked, and it was a pretty steep hike. I kept thinking we were done, but peak after peak appeared..


The view was pretty worth it!

From there, JD, Evan, and Val decided that they would take the long way around and hike all the way to the hot springs. the lesser of the group, aka the rest of us, decided we had enough hiking for the day and started our descent. Except, we got lost. The trail signs are really confusing, and point in all different directions, and also there was about 2–3 feet of snow, so we had to swim through snow to see if a path existed.


I decided to make the best of it at the end and tried to sled down, using my jacket. Probably when I lost my phone..

When I realized I lost my phone, i ran back up the mountain (at a surprisingly fast speed, considering how tired i was the first time i climbed) but no good. We drove to the hotsprings and when I saw Val, I almost cried because I was so tired and sad. #MommaValere

We didn’t even decide to go in the hot springs because they were sort of gross. lawl.



Grace E. Park

millennial diary entries of a female software developer in SF.