Argentina: Long layover in Buenos Aires

Grace E. Park
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2018

Buenos Aires was a big and developed enough city that I figured I would really only want a day there. So I picked a flight that had a 10 hour layover here before I returned to the states. The city is huge with multiple mini neighborhoods. The popular parts that people visit are San Telmo, La Boca, Recoleta. Most of the interesting neighborhoods are are close to each other that if you had some sturdy legs and enough time, you can stroll through them one by one.

To get to the city, you can take one of the airport shuttles. There are a few different companies and this blog has the best information on how to do it! But the thing is, don’t worry about the times that the sites list. Just expect to wait up to 30–40 minutes at any of the pick up locations, because these shuttles are never exactly on time but they do work at 30 minute intervals. The same is true for the shuttle from the city back to the airport!

The part I started out with was San Telmo. Here, you can find cool bars, steakhouses, and streets lined with pretty antique shops. Then I walked north to La Casa Rosada (the White House of Argentina) but it was under construction. Then I walked towards La Recoleta, an area decorated with affluent Parisian architecture, the Recoleta Cemetery, and fittingly, many art museums surrounded by parks.

I had a long list of things I had wanted to do: I wanted to eat steak at a fancy restaurant, I wanted to go to the park and see tango dancers, and I wanted to get some really good ice cream. But there were no tango dancers when I went, I was feeling queasy, and I was tired from carrying all my stuff and walking all day in the sun that I didn’t have the energy to go to somewhere far for good ice cream.

But I did find a place that had empanadas for super cheap! It looks like a chain.

I am almost at the end of my south america blog posts that I am getting sloppy.



Grace E. Park

millennial diary entries of a female software developer in SF.