Italy: Florence — Day 3

Grace E. Park
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2015

On my last day, I rented a bike from my hostel to ride early in the morning to see the sunrise at the Piazza Michaelangelo. Although I was told that it would rain, I got extremely lucky and the sky was a pretty pattern of clouds.


There are a million (+/- 1) stairs to climb right before the Piazza, though, so be prepared! The sunrise was definitely worth it, though. None of these photos have filters on them!


Once the sun was up, you can also see a great view of the city as well.


I took a photo of David here too, but it was a low quality selfie. Just know there is a David here too. And here is what the rest of the Piazza looks like:


My last time crossing the Arno to see the Ponte Vecchio and the dreary weather gave the photo a really cool effect.


All the restaurants have the exact same things offered for breakfast. Hot breakfast is hard to find, and I had a bad craving for sausage and eggs, and I couldn’t find it anywhere.. But on the upside, there were some huge merengues.


And of course, would not miss the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Keep in mind though, that you have to buy tickets early on, and they’re not open Mondays and it’s hard to find tickets for the next day or on short notice. make sure to book it in advance! there is a designated time, too, so plan other things around the Uffizi Gallery.


Although there were hundreds of famous and amazing artworks, I had to get a photo with the most famous: Birth of Venus by Botticelli.


Before making my way to Cinque Terre, I went shopping. I went early to the leather markets to get a leather jacket, purses for my mom and sister, wallet for my dad, and a belt for a friend. I did lots of research beforehand to find out prices and how to tell what is good quality leather to haggle for the lowest prices! Then I stopped my mercato centrale again to get a plate of truffle pasta. The cream sauce was made with truffles and I had shaved truffles piled on top. Best pasta of my life.




Grace E. Park

millennial diary entries of a female software developer in SF.