Race to Canada, Day 8: SF

Grace E. Park
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2015

Most of the day was spent just catching up with alums and other Caltech students, but we did go get a fantatsic tour of the tesla motors factory. I didn’t understand most of what they were saying about engines, because I don’t know things, but I gathered that I would not want to work there because they work too hard. lawl. I want a tesla, though.


We got a tour of Stanford as well, and went up hoover tower with an alum. Stanford seems to be way snobbier than Caltech is.. but also nicer and richer. damn.


We stopped by some silly stores to get american items for Billy (master of Chemistry) and perused the extremely touristy areas of SF.


The boys had to all tackle one bell ringing machine in the penny arcade (something museum, by the pier in SF) because they weren’t swole enough.


We saw some of the sun set on the pier while watching a guy do rapid spray painting on the street. I was going to buy one, but didnt like any of the color schemes.. but itll be cooler to make it myself anyway! next project.


Around midnight, we headed up to the twin peaks to get a really good view of SF, and it was gorgeous!




Grace E. Park

millennial diary entries of a female software developer in SF.