Welcome Post

Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2019

Hello Everyone!,

Hii! 😊

So a small introduction about who I am. I’m Looney, A 17-year-old developer, graphics designer, blog writer, and a tech geek. I love listening to music, singing, cooking, etc… I think that’s enough for the introduction.

I’m writing this blog post because I wanted to write it. 😂 Anyways…to all the new users who are a part of this new family obviously it’s a family, I, from the bottom of my heart welcome you to this small family.

I was really amazed and happy when I got this to work. Now we’ve 2 new developers to help me with this project of creating an easy to you and user-friendly dashboard for Shiro You can learn more about them here.

If you ever need any help with the bot, joining Shiro’s Hangout. Or you can write us an email at hello@shiobot.gq.

Important Resources:

Invite me with permissions
Invite me with no permissions
Support Server
Email Us
Request your current user data or data of the server that you own
Invite me with permissions [BETA]
Invite me with no permissions [BETA]
Beta Website

That’s it for now, I’m gonna have a bye and I hope you enjoy your time with this bot. For now, Byeee! 👋🏻👋🏻

Byeee! Cya next time.




The main developer of Shiro Beta and Shiro Bot.