Awakening ‘The Serpent Power’

Shiro Kihoro
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

First of all, a Serpent can mean different things for different people, based on where you stand belief wise. It could be viewed as the most evil to the most holy. In my case, the Serpent is an important and positive symbol that if awakened can bring forth healing, empowerment, knowledge, and wisdom.

So what’s this serpent power? Well, we all have it but, it’s dormant in the majority of us. Serpent power is a form of energy that goes by different names with the most common being Kundalini (coiled up snake) or life force. This energy based at the base of the spine and, it nourishes The Tree of Life within us.

Exactly what happens when you awaken your ‘Serpent Power/Kundalini’ ?

When Kundalini energy is guided up the psychic channel to the crown chakra, SELF REALIZATION occurs including awareness and promotion of a more conscious state in an individual. Simply put, more of the brain will be utilized and perception of REALITY is altered from FEAR to LOVE

If you’re asking what Chakras are, they’re the seven centers of consciousnesses located in every human being. These centers can be seen physically as colorful multi-petaled wheels. They’re located along the spinal cord from the base to the cranial chamber. Additionally, seven other Chakras that are barely visible exist below the spine. They’re seats of consciousness and the origin of lower/hellish world including jealousy, sorrow, hatred, envy, guilt etc.

Moving on. Kundalini energy when awakened passes through astral tubes called Nadis made up of astral matter that carry psychic currents. However, for Kundalini energy to flow, these tubes must be in their purest form

Already if you’re open minded, you can see there’s nothing really to be afraid of the serpent. It’s just an allegory of something bigger. If we open up our minds and awaken that ABSOLUTE power lying dormant, we’ll be opening ourselves to purity, auspiciousness, chastity, self-respect, pure love, detachment, concern for others and enlightened attention, resulting to infinite peace and joy.

Kundalini energy

