Britain’s Covid Nightmare Has Just Begun

March/April is nothing compared to what January has in store.

Kacy Preen
Shit Britain



I sit here in my self-imposed quarantine, following the same guidance as from the official lockdown of March 2020, and I despair. I’ve mostly hidden away because I really don’t want this nasty disease, and I think it’s nuts that others have been going about their business as normal as possible. And now, with things about to really kick off, are we having another lockdown? No.

March/April wasn’t the big one. This might not be either, but it’s way, way, bigger.

The government is messing around reassigning different counties into different Tiers with different rules, where people can still work and go to school, when what we need is a proper national lockdown. The UK media is finally paying the pandemic the attention it deserves, which is nice. Only 10 months and 80,000+ deaths too late; no rush or anything.


Anyway, here’s what’s going on in the UK. This thread’s a good primer:



Kacy Preen
Shit Britain

Journalist, author, feminist. Reading the comments so you don’t have to.