Poppy Wars: Episode One

Kacy Preen
Shit Britain
Published in
7 min readNov 7, 2020


Are you ready to pay some RESPECTS?!

The World’s Biggest Crocheted Poppy.

As is the custom in Great Britain, Remembrance Day is treated with more importance than a religious holiday. In fact, it’s become part of the poppy-worshiping proto-cult that has developed around Britain’s ideas about war.

For although the poppy, and Remembrance Day, were originally supposed to be about remembering the fallen, nowadays it is seen as a demonstration of how much the wearer loves war. Good, old British wars, of course; the only type of just war.

Because Britain is the goodies in any military conflict, and the other party is the baddies. That is as complex as the British Establishment will allow the public discussion of war to be. It’s all about paying our respects. To war.

And we need more wars so that we can have more fallen to respect. So that we can respect WAR!

And if you don’t love war, then you’re probably a communist. AND YOU HATE BRITAIN.

We all know the bigger the poppy, the more respectful it is. Which is why we have such dignified displays as projecting a massive poppy onto the side of a cooling tower:

A tweet from BBC Yorkshire, about a giant poppy image being projected onto the side of a cooling tower at Drax power station.
That’ll show the Jerries!



Kacy Preen
Shit Britain

Journalist, author, feminist. Reading the comments so you don’t have to.