The defects principle

Daniele Catalanotto
Shit Ideas Method
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2015

“Use your defects as the basis of the creative engine”

“You should stop devaluing your work”, a colleague told me that when we were talking about our respective project. I must admit that at the time I told myself that I was certainly wrong to do so.
But what if instead it was good to devalue one’s own work? Usually, the creative process put the designer at the center as a genius, a talented person with many qualities. But let’s be honest, I am anxious about many things and I have many defaults, so could those same creative process work for me? And what if we changed our method?

The “defects process”, which is inspired by the birth of the “Shit Ideas”, is to use our defects as the basis of the creative engine. So instead of relying the generation of ideas on a game, we could rely it on fear, obsession and desire to make ourselves look good. This process is about using the lowest human instincts in the creative process.

Use anxiety

Anxiety, fear, are usually seen as major defects. Used in the right way, they can prove to be some great productivity tools. Let’s take the fear of failing for example. Led in the right way this fear can result in a thinking like: “I’m afraid, I have nothing to show, I have to quickly reassure myself by producing something presentable”.

Use the lack of concentration

I often find it difficult to do the same thing for a long time, this defect often proves to be a problem. To use the lack of concentration as an additional tool, we just have to have several projects at the same time. So when we are tired of a project, we can spend a few minutes on another, then another, and so on. By jolts, you get further ahead.

Use self denigration

Like many, I tend to denigrate the quality of my work. This default can be extremely useful in two cases. First, it can be an incredible source of motivation to go even further, and enhance your projects. Second, in the context of some idea generation process combined with obsession, the devaluation is magnificent: “I need to create 1000 logos, but people will tell me again that it is quality that counts, not quantity. But basically, I’m not able to do quality. So I should do quantity because it’s the only thing I can do! And that will be my quality.”

Use executioners

When you find it hard to work due to lack of motivation, then ask someone to be your executioner. This person will remind you every day for the things you need to do and follow your progress.

Use prisons

If you also find it hard to wok or concentrate, put yourself in a train that takes 8 hours of non-stop travel and take with you only stuff to work on. Facing boredom, you quickly become productive.



Daniele Catalanotto
Shit Ideas Method

A swiss service designer who thinks that the best hobby in the world is to help others —