AskReddit: What’s a tip that could save someone’s ass in a really specific scenario?

Abado Jack Mtulla
Shit Reddit Says
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2018

Don’t eat the liver of a Polar bear. It contains so much Vitamin A it can kill you. (/u/StartRavingNormal)

Don’t ever catch a falling gun. By law, manufacturers have to make firearms drop-safe, so that they won’t go off if they’re dropped. The chance that you just dropped a lemon is much, much smaller than the chance you’ll accidentally catch it by the trigger and set it off. Just let it hit the ground. (/u/HelsinkiTorpedo)

If you get a tooth knocked out, don’t put it on ice to take to the hospital- put it in milk. Also if you get a body part severed, put it in a bag and then put the bag on ice; don’t put the body part directly in the ice. (/u/MoriKitsune)

If someone tries to kidnap you DO NOT let them transport you….fight, scratch, die because if you don’t, the second place they take you will be much worse. (/u/Rand0mhero80)

If you work in or around confined spaces and see someone out cold in one do not enter to help them I don’t care if they are your best friend or your own son or daughter. do not go in there. Run for help. If you go in without the proper gear, you will die

If you are working in a tight or enclosed area that’s not normally meant to be occupied by people and you smell something unusual, or feel weird, or experience increasing fatigue. Leave immediately and get help.

Confined spaces and low oxygen enviroments are deadly efficient at killing people. Guy drops from not having enough air to breathe, another guy goes in to help. That guy drops, a 3rd guy goes in…..

Example (/u/darwulf)

Bears. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s white, goodnight. (/u/daleydepression)

Shut the fuck up. Seriously. If the cops are asking you questions about a crime or potential crime, shut the fuck up. In ~90% of criminal cases, the prosecution’s strongest evidence is the Defendant’s own statements. (/u/an_actual_lawyer)

If you are caught in a large amount of water flowing very fast, put your legs together and out in front of you while lying back like you would on a couch. Bring the tips of your toes just above water level and push your hips towards the sky. (/u/ADecentURL)

I avoided rape once by telling my would be rapist that I have herpes. HIV might work as a deterrent too. (/u/stormthrows)

When the Russians overran Poland and eastern Germany at the end of WWII, some German women knew what was coming, and wrote “syphilis” on their foreheads. They only got raped by the Russians that already had syphilis. (/u/Cockalorum)

When dealing with cops(or any armed authority) ask before you reach for anything or pull out any objects. Ex:”My wallet is in my pocket, can I show it to you?” (/u/AllergicToStabWounds)

If you’re a male and test positive on a pregnancy test there is a possibility that you have cancer. (/u/amadsonruns)

Testicular cancer in particular. The same chemical in pregnant women’s urine is usually present in men with testicular cancer, so if you’re pregnant as a dude tell your doc. (/u/Xechwill)

If your vehicle is ever stuck at a railroad crossing there is a blue placard by the crossing lights with an emergency number. Call it and they will stop trains and call the local police for you. If you see the train coming and don’t have time to call, run away from the tracks. They probably won’t have time to stop.(/u/loco_elect92)

If you wind up with gasoline on your face, slather on sour cream to negate the chemical burning. I learned that from poison control after getting a face full of gasoline.(/u/Elnateo)

If you’re outside on a field (golf course, football pitch, whatever ) during a lightning storm and your hair on your arms or head suddenly starts standing up, drop down immediately- you’re about to get struck.

Never had any first hand experience with to this, but it was passed on to me by several old-timers while I was working on a golf course as a teenager. (/u/Fibonoccoli)

If you ever get stabbed, shot with an arrow, and or impaled by something, don’t take it out. Leaving it in could mean the difference between bleeding out and being able to make it to a hospital. (/u/LetTheRainsComeDown)

If you hit a powerline pole with your car and the lines fall down, don’t get out of your car. It is now a faraday Cage. If you do have to get out, like your car is on fire, jump out with your hands at your sides and make sure both feet hit the ground at the same time, then bunny hop away. But stay in your car until the power company kills the power. (/u/ZombieSiayer84)

If you wake up in the middle of the night and your house is on fire…drop to the ground immediately! That first breath of heated smoke can be enough to drop a person for good. Smoke detectors save lives people. Source: former firefighter. (/u/Outlaw_Cowyboy)

In case you’re ever in the situation of having an eye surgery in which your natural lenses are switched, make sure the new lenses have an inbuilt UV protection. A lot of insurances don’t recommend them directly and you end up irreparably damaging your retina through natural UV ray sources such as the sun. (/u/TheFindus)

If you fall off a cruise ship, your pants can be used as a flotation device. (/u/inuigo)

If there is a gas leak or hazardous chemical spill. Leave the area as quickly as possible, traveling the most direct possible path that is perpendicular to the current wind direction, or in the direction that emergency responders direct you to go.

Don’t grab your belongings. Leave

Don’t stick around to watch or take pictures. Leave.

Don’t enter the gas cloud to save others. Leave.

You will die if you do not leave. (/u/darwulf)

If anyone is holding a gun to your head asking for the etymology of the word “orchid”, now you can tell them that it meant “testicle” in Greek.

If they are going to drop your little sister from a tower unless you reveal the origin of “avocado”, just point out that it comes from a Nahuatl word for “testicle”.

If they’re screaming that they’ll release your high school principal in sulfuric acid if you don’t give an etymological cognate of the word “testify”, tell them it’s related to “testicle” because they both “bear witness” to things, be it a crime or your fertility.

If they threaten to unleash piranhas on your in-laws unless you tell them the etymology of “toad”, just let them. (/u/etymologynerd)

