Shitcoin Exchange — Ready To Use

Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

Hello, Shitcoin community!

Let’s shit some coins!

Shitcoin DEX team decided to make an easy to use exchange for you! This will be the place where you can trade your shit coins, create a new one and list it to the platform all by yourself!

So many coins out there and none of them is as cool as your own idea for a shitty, funny and weird coin? Generate one exactly as you want it and list it on Shitcoin Exchange. Breathe life to your s̶h̶i̶t̶t̶y̶, ups! witty coin and make it public, so that everyone can enjoy.

It’s not shitty, it’s the shit!

It is simple as shit: 💩

The main rule is that there is no rule — anyone can list any ERC20 token. No submission forms, no review period, no permissions needed.

We will start with the “list your coin” option and later on, we will offer “generate your coin” as well. It will take a few easy clicks to set your coin ready for trading.

DEX shitty awesome features: 💩

It’s fun as shit!

It will be a fully decentralized exchange in every aspect.

✔️ peer to peer trading

✔️ every transaction will be executed on the blockchain

✔️ no middle-man and third parties

✔️ easy to use UI/UX

✔️ responsive mobile view

✔️ no fees for listing

It’s cheap as shit:

✔️ The Taker pays 0.2% of the transaction

✔️ The Market Maker is paid 50% from the fee

Come on, show your smelly shits to the world!

Let’s create a never-ending crypto shitstorm!

List them now on

If you need further information or help, feel free to find us on:

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weiDex is a Blockchain Agnostic Dapp Ecosystem for exchanges. Our ultimate aim is to fix the broken blockchain ecosystem on the application layer.