Innovation in the World of Humanitarian Aid

How one small start up is using technology to serve humanity

Hema Bakhshi
The Shitty First Draft*
4 min readMay 27, 2018


The Rise of the Social Enterprise

As we continue to see seismic changes in the workforce, the workplace, and the technologies used in the world of work, we simultaneously witness the shift in business models. In Deloitte’s piece, The Rise of the Social Capital; 2018 Global Human Capital Trends, we see an articulation of both the emergence of the social enterprise, and the shifting view of what good business looks like in today’s world, “Organizations are no longer assessed based only on traditional metrics such as financial performance, or even the quality of their products or services. Rather, organizations today are increasingly judged on the basis of their relationships with their workers, their customers, and their communities, as well as their impact on society at large — transforming them from business enterprises into social enterprises”.

We live in a highly connected society, and yet millions are left behind due to poverty and limited access to technology. In my mind, any effort to use technology and innovation to benefit our wider society is not only a worthy cause, but also makes great business sense.

Bringing 21st Century Technology to the World of Humanitarian Aid — The Level Market

At the start of this year I came across a Colorado based start up, The Level Market; a social enterprise start up that made me sit up and take note. As with many entrepreneurs in the start up space, the tenacity, determination and pure passion behind their creative ideas and every day execution, inspired me. Juggling the daily pressures of motherhood, family life, and constant challenges that a new business brings, I watched Stephanie Cox (CEO & Founder), and Faseeha Khan Jensen (Co-Founder) in awe.

Unfortunately, the rate of natural disasters is increasing, poverty is still prevalent and man-made crises are on the rise. We live in an unstable world, filled with of impoverished nations and conflict zones. Many are in need of help on a daily basis. The Level Market is on a mission to get humanitarian supplies to those in need quickly and efficiently.

Their view; “just as e-commerce has transformed every other industry, the aid world needs to be brought into the 21st century with the power of a new platform”. When disaster after disaster took place in 2017 from Hurricane Harvey to Puerto Rico, there were millions in need of supplies and millions wanting to help in a concrete way, so their platform, Level Giving was born.

What is Level Giving?

Level Giving is the only online marketplace that lets you purchase relief supplies for those in need, ship directly to them, and track the positive impact on their lives. It is a new crowdfunding platform where instead of simply donating cash to a general, untrackable pot of money, you purchase physical relief supplies a nonprofit has determined it needs like mosquito nets and solar lights. You’re then able to track that donation from the moment you make it until it’s used by the nonprofit in the field. By purchasing supplies for a nonprofit, you’ll know exactly how your donation dollars are being put to work.

4 Reasons to Commend the The Level Market Team

With an intention clearly set, they focus on utilising technology to serve humanity, but equally have cleverly tackled some very real problems within the humanitarian aid world.

  1. They are driving innovation through a traditional sector — making a shift from response to preparedness
  2. They are changing the giver experience — ultimately, their approach takes real steps towards making purchasing relief goods as easy and shopping on amazon
  3. They are creating transparency in giving — knowing where your donation is going is often a hidden concern of those who choose to give or not give, as the act of giving responsibility is often forefront of mind
  4. They are meeting a real need — matching intention to give with a real need on the ground, creates truly effective aid relief

Saving Lives Through Connectivity

My ask, take a look, donate if you can and if nothing else please share The Level Giving platform widely.

These campaigns (as with all campaigns that will be listed on Level Giving) are time sensitive. Please share as widely as you possibly can so we can help nonprofits meet their supply needs and save lives.

Give the Gift of Safe Birth to Mothers in Malawi — Every 2 minutes, 60 women die giving birth. For less than the cost of your lunch, you can provide safe birth kits to expectant mothers in Malawi here.

Critical Water and Power Relief for Puerto Rico — Hurricane season (officially starts 1st June) is less than 4 days away and 70,000 people in Puerto Rico are still without power (still!). This affects everything from keeping businesses open after dark and studying when the sun goes down to being able to provide safe and reliable drinking water. You can give the gift of light and safe water here.

I’m in awe of people who work tirelessly for such worthy humanitarian causes. Overlay that with a drive to use technology to solve problems that count, making this world a better place — they should be commended.

Together, with The Level Market Team;

maybe we really can end the humanitarian crisis and save lives — one campaign at a time.



Hema Bakhshi
The Shitty First Draft*

I write to express a point of view, understand the viewpoint of others, whilst exploring the Future of Work Creative / Inquisitive / Open / Authentic