Living > thinking…transformations

The Shitty First Draft*
2 min readMay 16, 2018

This year I have decided to focus on doing more, thinking less. If there is something I want to do -to try- then to go for it, without leaving the space to think myself out of it. As a chronic overthinker, who has passed up opportunities as a result of wasting time thinking, this is quite a challenge. Over the past….lifetime…I have developed the skill to think myself out of instinct, gut feeling. I have learnt to protect myself from potential hurt, passing on potentially amazing experiences in the meantime. But this year I was keen to try and change that.

Now this hasn’t been perfect, but I was blessed with someone who entered my life and gave me the opportunity to try it out. A special someone who challenged me to just live, to just experience, to try and then decide. This opportunity helped me realise that I cannot decide what is going to happen when I haven’t even tried. That the best decisions come when you have experiences to shape it. And when entering into something new, it is easy to predict failure before it even begins.

But this year I did differently. I didn’t think, I experienced. I experienced happiness, care, love, depth, thoughts and wisdom. I experienced the chance to let go and just enjoy without thinking. And it was filled with wonderful moments of getting to know each other in a new and different light. It opened my eyes to the possibility of different people — to find out more of what I like (emotional depth), and of what I don’t (distance!).

But like many things, situations change, and life continues to flow on its course. Just as naturally as it began, it transitions into a different phase. And although there is a spectrum of emotions, there is also an ease, a knowledge that all is right, that all will be alright. Transformation, transitions, can be beautiful.

