The Beauty of Co-Creation

Hema Bakhshi
The Shitty First Draft*
2 min readApr 5, 2018

I am a firm believer that the sum of the whole is greater than it’s parts. There is power in collective thought, strength in collaboration. The technology we have at our fingertips today is immense and yet, often, we struggle individually, silently, to tackle a problem.

Why? Organisations talk about teamwork as a core value, but in reality, other than working well with others, are we truly leveraging the power of group thought. I have many friends, colleagues, connections, and yet do I ask them enough when I am stuck on a particular problem. Openly I can say, no.

It makes me question deeply is it for the reason, of being seen as inferior, given we are all working to demonstrate credentials, smart ways of thinking or simply do not have the courage to do so? Is our inner quest for perception something that is quietly chipping away our potential of co-creating something far much greater than the output of an individual quest?

Have we been conditioned to outwardly display good or great outputs? In school we reward children for doing a good job, they receive awards for being the best at hockey, stars for completing their homework, praise at parents evening for being the top of the class. Yet should we be re-thinking how we support, nurture and strengthen alternative thinking (divergent thought), praise complete but incorrect answers (acceptance of failing, but learning), not who finishes the race first, but the one who took the most attempts to complete the task (resilience).

In a rapidly a changing, volatile world, we need to empower one another to navigate a world which can often feel hard, isolating and lonely. As Brene Brown said, strong back, soft front and wild heart.

There’s beauty in co-creation — lets uncover it.



Hema Bakhshi
The Shitty First Draft*

I write to express a point of view, understand the viewpoint of others, whilst exploring the Future of Work Creative / Inquisitive / Open / Authentic